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Aug 17th 2022
SS RAJAMOULI'S PROTEGE ASHWIN GANGARAJU TO DIRECT '1770'... V VIJAYENDRA PRASAD TO PEN SCREENPLAY... #AshwinGangaraju - who assisted #SSRajamouli in #Eega and #Baahubali [both series] - will direct the multi-lingual film #1770TheMovie.
Based on #BankimChandraChatterjee's #Bengali novel #Anandamath... #VVijayendraPrasad is writing the adapted story and screenplay of #1770TheMovie... Author and film-maker #RamKamalMukherjee is the creator.
#1770TheMovie will be produced by #ShhailendraKkumar, #SujayyKuttiy, #KrishnaKumarB and #SurajSharma... Will be made in #Hindi, #Telugu, #Tamil, #Malayalam, #Kannada and #Bengali... The team will lock the main lead before #Dussehra and will announce the cast by #Diwali.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 1st 2018
Telugu cinema heroine and the things she finds irresistible: A Thread.
Blackmail. Because why not? I mean, if a guy is willing to use the pictures he took of you without my permission to get you to kiss him and stuff, he must love you only. #govinduduandarivadele
Lying and manipulation. What’s not to like about a police official who knows how to use his power to get rid of your decent boyfriend, so that he can pursue you? #temper
Read 14 tweets

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