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Nov 16th 2020
I was curious when I woke up why there were so many attacks on my husband and now I understand why. Every time someone speaks out or speaks up against WWE, WWE bots/fans go after credibility. We are human beings. We have rights and labor laws should apply to us.
We refuse to be afraid of the insults and bullying. If you trace these accounts back it’s usually about 10 people with burner accounts that continue to push their fake news on their followers to see if it spreads. #bestrong #sendingsomuchlove
Nice try. There will not be any backing down. My parents worked their asses off in blue collar jobs to give me the best life they could. And now I will not allow ANYONE to not allow me to do the same for my children. #mamabear
Read 3 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
I can only do this for so long anymore.

Twitter wears me out.

We have only 93 days until midterms.

I'm going to go ruin a bunch of people's Saturday by calling them and asking them to do their civil duty on #November6th and help usher in a giant #BlueWave.

There are tons of ways you can help do that too.

Stop what you're doing and call your sister who might be on the fence. Get her off of it.

Educate you your neighbor who is buying into this Trump's "economic revitalization" fiction. Obama did better. Way better.

Wear a Clinton tee and a smile.

Body paint #Resist onto yourself at the beach.

Retweet this thread.

You can resist in other ways too.

Smile at those you pass whole walking.

Look a homeless person in the eyes as you hand them a dollar and shake their hand or hug them.

Read 5 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
There are 115 days of #Resistance remaining until midterm elections.

You should have updated your voter registration no later than 73 days from today, this is true for everyone, especially if you live in a red / purple state.

Even if you're SURE you're registered correctly.

We have no room for error.

Do it.
Document it.

Next, find out which voting methods your state sponsors is completed via paper ballot, then choose one of those methods of voting.

Even if that means voting absentee or by mail.

Choose paper.

Tell everyone all of this.

Remind them that the present body of the Supreme Court is compromised & poisoned by at least a factor of two.

The departing treachery of Kennedy.

The illegitimatcy of Neil Gorsuch.

The Court has turned against the people it was established to protect via the rule of law.

Read 7 tweets

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