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Feb 4th 2022
As we pause to meditate on equity, community, and what it means to experience the love of learning in the context of #BlackLivesMatteratSchool, NTC Interim Co-CEO @amills4 shares a personal reflection:
"Without being privileged to enjoy the loving care of my parents, extended family, and mentors as I navigated the majority of my school years, I wouldn't have had critical nurturing experiences that affirmed my individual identity. We must hire more Black teachers…
…and diversify our teaching community so all students that look like me see themselves and visualize their potential within their classrooms and schools every day." @BLMAtSchool #NTC4BlackLives #BlackHistoryMatters #BlackTeachersMatter #YearOfPurpose
Read 3 tweets
Feb 1st 2021
Rather than posting quotes, let us refocus our efforts during #BlackHistoryMonth to learn and teach about the following:
1) Black people in your town, city, or state who did (or are doing) powerful work to advance the community and/or the culture but have not been supported, amplified, or acknowledged.
2) People of the African diaspora who are not or have not been supported, amplified or acknowledged due to antiblackness and the global after-effects of Colonialism.
Read 22 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
@chrislhayes Can I opine as a teacher?

It's a disaster, a complete shit-show, and an equity nightmare. Kids are barely engaged, highly stressed, and incredibly lonely.

My kids who are doing well because they live in stable, supportive homes surrounded by books are going to be fine. (1/n)
@chrislhayes (2/n)

My kids with learning differences or stressful homes are completely decompensating, bit by bit, and it's tragic to look at.

That said, as science indicates more and more that kids are central to spreading COVID, we can't rush school reopenings.
@chrislhayes (3/n)

Opening schools too quickly is going to kill a lot of people. I know this is answering a question you didn't ask, but teacher morale is absolutely in the toilet right now. Check out online communities like r/teachers on Reddit if you want to see what I mean.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
A thread on #PoliceFreeSchools.

Every parent or educator who has ever said the words, “#BlckLivesMatter” should work to get cops out of schools.

This school year has many cases cops harming kids: 1) a cop assaulted a girl for taking an extra milk.…
In Florida this school year, a cop traumatized a 6-year-old girl when he handcuffed, arrested, & forced her into his squad car.

Then he took her to the youth jail, took her mug shot & fingerprinted her, all for a temper tantrum.

In Chicago this school year, police punched a girl and threw her down stairs in her school. Then lied about doing it. The video revealed the truth.

Read 9 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
"This crusade is much more important than the anti-lynching movement, because there would be no lynching if it did not start in the schoolroom." — Carter G. Woodson
#tdih 1926, Woodson initiated first Negro History Week which led to Black History Month.…
Carter Woodson pressed for schools to use Negro History Week to demonstrate what students learned ALL year. Woodson co-founded the Association for the Study of African American Life and History @ASALH which continues to this day with an annual theme. See:… Image
"I could not move, because history had me glued to the seat. . . It felt like Sojourner Truth’s hands were pushing me down on one shoulder and Harriet Tubman’s hands. . . on another." — Claudette Colvin 3/2/1955 (just after days after Black History Month)…
Read 4 tweets

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