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Apr 2nd 2023
The element of time is crucial in a city like #Mumbai where things move on the dot & distances are measured in terms of time taken. Did you know that the city once had its own time zone & Sir Pherozeshah Mehta, the #Congress politician resisted attempts to change it? #history
Sir Pherozeshah Mehta (1845–1915) was a #Parsi politician & lawyer known as the Lion of #Bombay. On 3 April, Mehta's statue outside the #BMC headquarters will complete 100 years. Mehta was among those who sought that #BombayTime, a seperate time zone for the city be maintained
Before the official Indian Standard Time was introduced, British India had the #Madras & #Mumbai standard times. The #Madras time was half an hour ahead of that in #Bombay. Some govt offices followed the #BombayStandardTime or #BST, while some followed the #Madras standard time.
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