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Jun 7th 2020
1] Going through a presser by #Mwonzora yesterday, can't help but laugh at how he has become a #pathological liar.

Infact, its clear that besides getting security, legal & material support from #ZanuPF, they are equally giving him free lessons on #propaganda.

It's a shame Image
2] #Mwonzora unashamedly claims there was a "peaceful & smooth handover & take over" .

He wants you to believe that the then occupants, i.e. #MDC-A officials "peaceful" handed over the HQ to MDC-T.

& then probably regained their consciousness & returned to reclaim it at night? Image
3] #Mwonzora falsely claims that they had nothing to do with the presence of security forces at MRT House.

Bizzarely, #Komichi claims the exact opposite, arguing that they invited them against marauding MDC-A who had petrol bombs.

He clearly says they actually invited them. Image
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