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Jan 20th 2023
#QRcode #DigitalID #SocialCredit
Prime Minister #Marin to visit #NewZealand and #Australia | 23.11.2022
- The delegation will have representatives from #CSC-IT Center for Science, #Kone, #Neste, #Nokia and #WithSecure (ex. #FSecure).…
- #AUSTRALIA intro⬇️
cc: @ UltraDane
#AUSTRALIA - #SocialCredit introduced to access the #internet, via your #digitalID.
Citizens need 100 points of #identification to use #socialmedia & the #police will have access to your #accounts including private #messaging.
'#Charagma - Digital Personal ID - IT'S COMING!
- Everyone certainly remembers the #CoronaPassport
- Politicians and the media used it to "force" especially young #mRNA to take the injections.'… credit: InjektioPiikki @IPiikki
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