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Jan 20th 2023
#QRcode #DigitalID #SocialCredit
Prime Minister #Marin to visit #NewZealand and #Australia | 23.11.2022
- The delegation will have representatives from #CSC-IT Center for Science, #Kone, #Neste, #Nokia and #WithSecure (ex. #FSecure).…
- #AUSTRALIA intro⬇️
cc: @ UltraDane
#AUSTRALIA - #SocialCredit introduced to access the #internet, via your #digitalID.
Citizens need 100 points of #identification to use #socialmedia & the #police will have access to your #accounts including private #messaging.
'#Charagma - Digital Personal ID - IT'S COMING!
- Everyone certainly remembers the #CoronaPassport
- Politicians and the media used it to "force" especially young #mRNA to take the injections.'… credit: InjektioPiikki @IPiikki
Read 4 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
@JukkaDavidsson #Ohisalo myös.
- #Sisäministeri'stä tyynylomalle. Junaili #Torssonen syylliseksi #Auvila'n hylsy-VOK 'vasara-arapien' hyökkäykseen.
Torssosen #KRP sormenjäljet siirrettiin postipaketin teippiin.
- Torssonen vapaa, arapit himassa.
Read 23 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
@elonmusk Why are you deleting my tweets about corruption of certain people? I (and thousands) work 12 hours a day for Twitter (for free) to reduce fakes, bullying, pedophiles and antisemitism. Do you want to do this work yourself? Tell me, then I'll leave it in the future.
You don't seem to understand that you're standing in your own way and not me. I don't need you @musk. I don't need twitter either. I can, for the sake of humanity, use my time elsewhere. Twitter is here today and tomorrow it will be overrun. That's so.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
1/5 🧵

Is the #Fed still lagging behind its announced portfolio reduction plan?

Although it was announced that the balance sheet would be reduced by $47.5B monthly, in 12 weeks, the portfolio decreased by only $51.7B. U.S Treasury debt growth; Buying securities by Fed; SpendingDeposits with the Fed, $30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the USUS Government Bonds Rates (10Y, 5Y, 2Y)
2/5 🧵

During this time, the #MBS portfolio even grew by $18.5B. If the Fed can't reduce the #portfolio even by half, how they will reduce it from September 2022 is a big question. Generally, before, the #Fed didn't allow itself such a hack.
3/5 🧵

The #US Treasury has again reduced its #holdings on deposits with the #Fed; now, $530B remains in the #accounts of the US Treasury, compared to $650B planned for the end of the #quarter.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
It seems @Instagram has blocked my thread response, so here’s a stand-alone thread on why #Instagram REFUSES to remove #fake or #finsta #accounts.

My name is also on Instagram where I post about #antiques. Last weekend I worked the #antiquemall and posted these 3 stories.
I screen shot these the next morning, so that 1st story came from #Insights.

1st - 81 views - all legit

2nd - 71 views minus 2 #finsta spammers = 69 views

3rd - 75 views minus 13 #finsta spammers = 62 views
While news media like @allinwithchris @Slate @nytimes @FoxNews @morroweric try to spin the narrative of @SenBlumenthal’s exchange w/ @Meta / #Facebook’s #AntigoneDavis there’s real world application to #finsta accounts in choking out views to decrease popularity. @FacebookWatch
Read 19 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
A detailed #thread on the important #schemes launched by Sri #NarendraModi led #BJP Govt.

Sri @narendramodi ji has launched many #welfare schemes. These #schemes varies from welfare of #Farmers, #housewives, #labourers, #students to small #shopkeepers etc.
@PMOIndia @BJP4India
1. PM-KISAN: This scheme promises to pay all poor #farmers (small and marginal farmers having lands up to 2 hectares) Rs 6,000 each every year in 3 installments through Direct #Bank Transfer. It would reportedly benefit around 14.5 crore farmers all over #India.
2. Pradhan Mantri #Kisan Pension Yojana: To address the problems of farm sector distress, the Modi 2.0 Cabinet has approved a proposal to provide small and marginal #farmers with a minimum Rs 3,000 per #month fixed #pension, costing Rs 10,774.5 crore per annum to the exchequer.
Read 33 tweets
Sep 21st 2019
Yesterday's announcement has boosted the morale & sentiments of corporates & #investors. Few #FinancialAdvisors & #MutualFund houses are too excited because of the same, which they must curtail. #Equity based #mutualfunds are long tenure assets - Why Focus on 1 Day Rise!
#InstantGratification by profit booking is cup of tea of traders not of #investors. True #investors are in for long haul. @FinMinIndia move will have more impact in corporate books because of tax reduction. Will this ensure corporate profitability in sales - No! So, What Will !!
#Sales can only increase when the #Products are in #Demand. Bare necessities will keep on selling but certain products will only be in demand when masses will have #money power in their #bank #accounts. In general too much tinkering without #planning rarely works. @TheEconomist
Read 5 tweets

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