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Sep 19th 2018
1. Hey Mark Warner @MarkWarner remember Nov 29, 2016 when you sent this demand to declassify ? Image
2. Fast forward to Sep 18, 2018 (almost 2 years) seems that you are "Alarmed" that your wish is coming true. IMHO you Mark Warner @MarkWarner are a perfect poster child for what is wrong with Senate. Do you understand just how #Stupid you look - probably not. Best #MAGA wishes ImageImage
3. Mark Warner @MarkWarner do you and your friends #CryingChuck @chuckschumer and #ChiFi @SenFeinstein realize that the Gang of 8 is not even a constitutional mandated entity - you have zero say over this. The supreme power to declassify rests with our #POTUS @realDonaldTrump
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