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Sep 2nd 2020
Negative Interest Rates #NIRP do more harm to #Centralbanks than they do good

Times are changing with hard cash to online digital payments
The world has been forced to adapt to new methods of online payment like #Debitcards , #creditcard and #mobilewallet payments
Few use cash and the global elites are using negative interest rates to do the same thing as inflation make money disappear
The U.S. discontinued the use of large-denomination bills in the late 1960s. Until 1969, $500, $1,000, $5,000 and even $10,000 bills were issued and today
the largest bill is a $100 bill, but it has lost 80% of its purchasing power since 1968

Europe has ended the 500 euro note and today the largest note in euros is 200 euros. Existing 500 euro notes will still be legal tender, but new ones will not be produced.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
#ZeroMDR 1/ Since 2006 I have been the bigget believer and proponent of in digitizing payments - ideally via mobile payments - lord knows I've preached this more than anyone else has! Even my 83-year-old mother is a convert, and I literally refuse to pay anyone in cash!
#ZeroMDR 2/ The benefits of #digitalpayments are spread across a large ecosystem - notably the government, merchants, consumers, banks & Payment Systems Providers (PSPs).

The costs of digital payments are today borne by the banks & PSPs - who pass them on to merchants!
#ZeroMDR 3/
Indirectly merchants pass these on to consumers & have a blended cost. Some explicitly pass these costs to the consumer as a "surcharge".

Today's incentive alignment ensures that cash will continue to be the most (financially) attractive for face2face payments!
Read 18 tweets

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