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Jun 8th 2022
The *next* UPI moment for India's Retail Digital Payments has been announced- Credit cards can now be linked to your UPI, starting with RuPay

A Thread 🧵
UPI is India's leader in digital payments with 60% market share in only 5 years of launch breaching the $1 trillion mark in payment volume only recently.

First, the upsides
📌 ✚ The ability for credit cards to 'ride on UPI' rails provides credit payment instruments the same ubiquity afforded to debit cards (via UPI) namely accessing a credit line at a POS by simply scanning a QR (cont)
Read 11 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
#eRUPI #UPI Vouchers for benefits is a radical departure from #DBT. Purpose and person aware #G2P payments are here. #SaveOurPrivacy… is digitized food stamps, but crucial digitization difference is it converts a bearer instrument like stamp / coupon into a person / purpose specific instrument, embedding automatic data emission about beneficiary upon use.
The naming of this is curious. When countries around the world are discussing #CBDC / issuing new digital currency, naming a private payment instrument #eRUPI is sign of things to come (?). One can only speculate at the moment.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
#CashlessConsumer Much has been talked about #ZeroMDR amidst lot of panic based misinformation, half truths.

1.1.2020 marked 3 significant changes to payment industry all of which have deep implications. #Thread
Facts first and opinions later.

On 30 Dec, FinMin clarified provisions in Finance Act relating to digital payments

1. 269SU meant for large companies > 50 Crores, mandating to accept "prescribed modes"

2. 271DB - Penalty for violating 269SU… - Link to notification.

269SU makes #ZeroMDR, but important to note its applicable only for large businesses and only for "prescribed modes"

Prescribed modes came via…
Read 16 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
#ZeroMDR 1/ Since 2006 I have been the bigget believer and proponent of in digitizing payments - ideally via mobile payments - lord knows I've preached this more than anyone else has! Even my 83-year-old mother is a convert, and I literally refuse to pay anyone in cash!
#ZeroMDR 2/ The benefits of #digitalpayments are spread across a large ecosystem - notably the government, merchants, consumers, banks & Payment Systems Providers (PSPs).

The costs of digital payments are today borne by the banks & PSPs - who pass them on to merchants!
#ZeroMDR 3/
Indirectly merchants pass these on to consumers & have a blended cost. Some explicitly pass these costs to the consumer as a "surcharge".

Today's incentive alignment ensures that cash will continue to be the most (financially) attractive for face2face payments!
Read 18 tweets

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