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Feb 25th 2023
#Russia #Decoupled

❝ Since the United States has a budget deficit, and no one is eager to buy their debt notes, the Americans have to sacrifice even their allies in order to delay their end a little longer. ❞

#OPEC #SaudiArabia

❝ Maybe the Arabs also know something if they refuse Biden oil, plan to switch to the yuan, ask to join BRICS and look closely at [Russian] weapons? ❞

#WARSAW #Georgia

❝ Smart people understand everything and try to jump out in advance. Would Erdogan or Lukashenko behave like this if they didn’t know something? ❞

Read 5 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
This past December gave us a self-aware and fleet-footed film #MinnalMurali, as well as a superficial and unoriginal new series #Decoupled. Here is @RajaSen's verdict about the month gone by.

It is hard not to be taken in by #MinnalMurali, set in a tiny village with immense character, featuring a roguish and gullible hero, played by the preposterously charming Tovino Thomas, who said it fulfilled his one childhood wish – to become a superhero.…
#MinnalMurali is a joyous, self-aware and fleet-footed entertainer, which also questions the absolute nature of good vs evil the genre is founded on. Even Mahatma Gandhi would cheer for that. The actor behind the supervillain can attest to that.…
Read 7 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
"Capital is back because low growth is back" @PikettyLeMonde said, stating that decreasing growth leads to increasing #inequality. If that would be true, we have a social-ecological dilemma #degrowth. I wrote my BA about it and got the #GSÖBW price for it yesterday. Thread. 1/14
Yesterday was #GlobalClimateStrike. Many studies show: The #ClimateCrisis can only be solved if economic growth rates in the North decrease rapidly. @timparrique, @g_kallis, @jasonhickel. If decreasing growth necessarily leads to increasing inequality, we have a problem. 2/14
True,since the 1980s economic growth has decreased in Germany, while income and wealth inequality have increased @CharlyBartels @MiriamRehm. But is it a correlation or causality? I argue, political decisions led to increasing inequality, not declining growth. Four arguments: 3/14
Read 14 tweets

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