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Aug 21st 2022
Inpainting mode in #DiscoDiffusion!
I've finally made the parametrised guided inpainting for disco, and applied it for more stable 2D and 3D animations. In the thread i show what's in there…
Inpainting can be used to repaint unwanted parts of the still image using binary mask. Mask can be drawn inside colab if you check 'draw_mask' flag, or by specifying the path.
I've also applied inpainting to the 2D and 3D animation processes to make them more stable. Previously we've had a tradeoff: either a stable animation with high skip_steps (but you get trails and poor details in the regions that were missing in the previous frame)
Read 8 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
1/ Using AI to imagine alternate worlds🪞
collab w/ 🍃@MichaelCarychao 🦾Sagans

#discodiffusion #aiart #artificialintelligence
@MichaelCarychao 2/ Here's the raw footage. I started off by creating a simple AR filter of two empty white rectangles using Adobe Aero. Shot by @AustinGumban
@MichaelCarychao @AustinGumban 3/ Then @MichaelCarychao generated the nature side. Here's a peek at his behind-the-scenes process. Highly recommend checking out his account for more AI art ideas
Read 7 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
it's time to talk about my side project:

👉🏻 Introducing Prompt Press ( - AI generated artwork inspired by current events.

#aiart #generativeart #aiartcommunity #AiArtwork
Over the past few months I've found myself absolutely fascinated with #AIart or #generativeart - whatever you want to call it.

You may have heard of #dalle2, #imagen or #parti. These are all amazing models (with limited access) that generate images of whatever you can describe.
"whatever you describe", the prompt, is key to navigating latent space and generating an interesting image.

This is such a skill, there's a whole field emerging called Prompt Engineering.
Read 9 tweets
May 2nd 2022
A quick texture painting tip: input an image into Disco Diffusion and……just wait.

Let the AI do the job.

#blender #b3d #discodiffusion #AI ImageImage
A quick test in blender:
Tried a raindrop: ImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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