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Most recents (2)

Aug 8th 2019
Bear with me on this one folks as it’s a thread that involves

▪️a few #IrishPartiots
▪️shitloads of #EconomicMigrants
▪️a soldier
▪️a married man who never married
▪️a Canadian, and
▪️a bog-trotter from Athlone.

Strap yourselves in...

Let’s start with a real #IrishPatriot.

Now I’m not talking about the unemployed middle-aged white Irish male living in his mother’s basement, who set up 100s of these #AltShite “patriot” accounts.
No, I’m talking about #ThatMigrant @hazechu of the @greenparty_ie who trounced all the racists pretending to be fake #IrishPatriots in the recent elections.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
Federal law makes the act of providing a #falsestatement to the government a #crime.

You know what this looks like:

FBI Agent [to a person of interest, after appropriate warnings]:

"Were you at First Central Bank between 10 and 11 am on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2016?"

Person of Interest: "Not at all! I was in South Carolina, boarding the Big M Riverboat, for a day of gambling with friends."
FBI Agent: "Let me show you a video taken inside the bank on the date and time in question." [shows video clearly depicting the person of interest in the bank, video date, and time stamp confirms date and time].
Read 31 tweets

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