Bear with me on this one folks as it’s a thread that involves
▪️a few #IrishPartiots
▪️shitloads of #EconomicMigrants
▪️a soldier
▪️a married man who never married
▪️a Canadian, and
▪️a bog-trotter from Athlone.
Strap yourselves in...
Let’s start with a real #IrishPatriot.
Now I’m not talking about the unemployed middle-aged white Irish male living in his mother’s basement, who set up 100s of these #AltShite “patriot” accounts.

No, I’m talking about #ThatMigrant @hazechu of the @greenparty_ie who trounced all the racists pretending to be fake #IrishPatriots in the recent elections.

The funny thing is that @hazechu is not actually a migrant. She was born in Dublin and is more Irish than De Valera (an American or Spanish chap if you haven’t heard of him before).

Now @gemmaod1 isn’t the only #EconomicMigrant I’m talking about.
Lots of people who claim to be #IrishPatriots were economic migrants at some point.
For example, @hermannkelly set up the migrant-bashing @IrexitFreedom party....

Apologies. I mentioned a soldier.
#GrandTurdino aka @rowanwcroft (famously milkshaked by @LeahNiD) is a fake #IrishPatriot & Gemma-fan.
Rowan is also an #EconomicMigrant who joined the British Army (as many Irish people did in WWI & WWII) so let’s not knock him for that.

Actually, there are shedloads of Irish racists who are #EconomicMigrants, all pretending to be #IrishPatriots defending the country against economic migrants.
I know, it’s confusing.
One of these #AltShite people that DEFINITELY isn’t an #EconomicMigrant is @JustinBarrettNP.
Justin is a very religious (@YouthDefence, you know) #IrishPatriot who is a big fan of #EconomicMigrant @gemmaod1.

Now Justin is a small #IrishPatriot who may be big on religion but who has never married even thought he has a rakeload of children with at least two women.
OK, so he was married but, you know, annulment....

Anyway, if you’re free on Saturday, do pop around to Barrow Street to fight racism... finish up, I did mention a Canadian and Irish bogtrotter.
Same person.
Let me introduce you to @StefanMolyneux who claims to be Canadian but is, in fact, just another #EconomicMigrant who grew up in Athlone before Daddy emigrated.