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Mar 2nd 2023
👀💭 According to recent research, there is evidence of a 4th #Pyramid which was said to be dismantled in 1759, & it took 10 months. This pyramid would have been different from the others, around 100 ft smaller than the others and apparently had a cube on top. #Archaeology #Giza
👀💭 P1: A 4th great #Pyramid of #Giza in the 1700's was documented & sketched along with the 3 that we know about today by a Danish naval captain. It may now finally have been found by a space outside the #Menkaure enclosure. #Archeology #lost4thpyramid #Egyptology #Egypt
👀💭 P2: This so called tomb is located on the #Giza Plateau, which is believed by some #Egyptologists to be a 4th #Pyramid of Giza. It was identified as a pyramid by John Shae Perring & Colonel Howard Vyse who visited the site in 1837–1838. #Archaeology #Megalithic #Ancient
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Mar 26th 2020
THREAD: Below are a bunch of what look (to me) to be #Egyptian personal names in the #Hebrew Bible.

I’d be grateful for comments from #Semitists and, particularly, for possible translations from #Egyptologists .
I’ll start with a couple of obvious candidates (mentioned by Hoffmeier at least and no doubt others):

Judah’s genealogy mentions a guy named ‘Sheshan’ (1 Chr. 2),

who’s part of an ancestral chain which seeks to traverse Israel’s years in Egypt (though ultimately goes nowhere).
The name of his slave (‘Jarha’) looks like it’s composed of the Egyptian elements:

⟨wr⟩ = ‘great’, and

⟨ḫʕ⟩ = ‘the one who appears’, an epithet of ‘Re’ (from ⟨ḫʕi⟩ = ‘to appear’).

By way of illustration, here’s a name of the form ⟨Wr-DN⟩: Image
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