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Jul 10th 2021
1) I just watched the documentary @cureddoc, about the past pathologization of #homosexuality by @APApsychiatric, its harmful stigmatization and treatments such as #ECT and #lobotomy, and the efforts that led to overturning the classification of being #gay as a #mentaldisorder.
2) @cureddoc is very good, but there is at least one false and misleading statement. At 1:12:11, near the end, text states, “#ECT continues as a treatment for severe forms of depression – with the consent of patients and effective results for many people.” Forced ECT still real.
3) @cureddoc #ECT is still often done without consent of the patient, many patients who did sign for it have later said they did not feel they were given proper informed consent, and many patients report long-term cognitive impairment, as well psychological trauma. #psychiatry
Read 219 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
Sharing thread of my thoughts on #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #WSPD #suicidalthoughts_Medical_Emergency what I learnt as Psychiatrist during last 2 decades
1/n Before leaving for hospital, I made my first post on #WorldSuicidePreventionDay as I have strong belief and do practice that #suicidalthoughts_Medical_Emergency
2/n On reaching hospital, saw first patient in emergency who tries to harm herself due to hanging..somehow saved by family member. My first tweet of the day comes into my mind. Patient required admission. Decision was taken to admit for #SuicidePrevention..first step of treatment
Read 10 tweets

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