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Aug 23rd 2022
#NASA released an audio clip of a #BlackHole, and it's pretty spooky…
#NASA recently revealed that black holes emit noises that sound like ghostly alien moans and wails.

Listen to the clip below, where NASA captured the eerie sounds of #blackhole pressure rippling through the Perseus galaxy cluster.

"The misconception that there is no sound in space originates because most space is a ~vacuum, providing no way for sound waves to travel. A galaxy cluster has so much gas that we've picked up actual sound," the @NASA account tweeted.

#NASA #BlackHole
Read 6 tweets
May 23rd 2022
"One thing I learned early how many people with large audiences are just bullshitting in a confident tone of voice. It's very easy to make a name for yourself that way. The path of integrity takes more work, and not many take it." -- @caitoz…
Crop harvests for direct food use insufficient to meet the UN’s food security goal…
#GlobalFoodSystem, #FoodSecurity, #UnitedNationsGoals, #HarvestCalories, #DirectFood
Life Cycle of Strawberry Plants: The Definitive Guide (Updated 2022)…
#LifeCycle, #StrawberryPlants, #DefinitiveGuide
Read 13 tweets
May 17th 2019
I'm wondering if it's possible to use the @ehtelescope to find out more about the #WowSignal.
And while we are talking about the #WowSignal: I have an alternative speculation for it besides aliens (although I still think it actually has a natural cause we haven't found yet, so don't get too excited): us from a parallel timeline somehow sending a spacecraft in the past.
There are possible indications why it could be us and not aliens. The first indication is that the #WowSignal didn't last long. If it really was aliens trying to contact us then why did they seemingly only send this signal for a short time and not continuously?
Read 22 tweets
Apr 10th 2019
I'm literally abt to hop on a plane for the rest of the day, but here are a few things that make this #EHTBlackHole press release monumental to me from the perspective of an astrophysicist who studies active black holes.
1. It's still true that we can't *see* a black hole. What sight-abled folx are seeing in this image is the shadow of the black hole (what I typically call "SOS" signals from the material about to fall onto it). This process of material infall onto a black hole is called accretion
2. We've observed black holes for decades using the fact that infalling matter releases copious amounts of radiation (light) before crossing the event horizon. Black holes dominate high energy light like X-rays bc of accretion. This is a composite image of M87. @NASAHubble
Read 11 tweets
Apr 10th 2019
In few minutes, astronomers across the globe will hold six major press conferences simultaneously to announce the first results of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), which was designed precisely for that purpose Watch LIVE:
More about the Event Horizon Telescope, an international collaboration aiming to capture the first image of a black hole by creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope
Read 14 tweets

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