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Mar 15th 2019
Police investigate #KPOP stars over accusations of sex tapes, prostitutes and secret chat about rape. #OpDeathEaters…
Police are investigating the following #KPOP stars in connection to a network where they provided politicians and businessmen with prostitutes.
-Jung Joon Young
-Seungri (#BIGBANG)
-Choi Jonghoon (#FTISLAND)
-Lee Jonghyun (#CNBLUE)
-Yong Junhyung (#HIGHLIGHT)
International businessman Jho Low, YG Entertainment's Head, Yang Hyun-suk implicated in K-pop human trafficking scandal. #OpDeathEaters…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 11th 2019
The Seungri / burning sun scandal Thread : there are many people who don't seem to know much about this complicated scandal so I'm just making a thread to update what we know till now.

#Seungri #BIGBANG
On January 28 a CCTV footage came out of an assault happening at Burning Sun, owned by Seungri of Bigbang. A man came forward claiming to be the victim of said assault. He revealed that a woman was being harassed and asked for his help. He got beaten up by the security guard-
-when he asked him for help. He provided pictures of his injured face & his treatment pics as proof and the video of him getting dragged by his hair and beaten by the club's director. He also said that he was handcuffed and taken to police station and assaulted there as well
Read 80 tweets

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