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Nov 27th 2021
1/ One of those #debunking threads
@HelenClarkNZ former UNDP administrator and now a close colleague of @DrTedros is the latest #TPLFAgent screaming Genocide nonstop and finally came up with a most disingenuous article on the guardian yesterday. A closer look reveals who she is.
2/ The article aside, let’s look into the pattern of 40+ tweets since the start of the conflict which reveal that Amhara and Afar lives are of no concern to her as she doesn’t even mention them. Moreover, she keeps silent whenever she thinks her allies are winning
3/ Apart from 1 tweet expressing her sadness about the start of war in Ethiopia on Nov 10, 2020, she didn’t have any comments on Ethiopia until Jan 23rd which marker a start of her active involvement. What prompted it? Humanitarian Concern? Look at 3 of her 1st tweets on the war
Read 13 tweets
Nov 21st 2021

1, After thoroughly debunking Nima's #FakeHumeraMassacre I made these👇 outrageous predictions in a thread I tweeted on Sept 13 & 28.

2/ True to form, it is looking very likely that as predicted the TPLF-TMH-Nima hub has been working on producing a sequel. The stage is already set and the wheels are in motion. Nima/Berhe or someone from @CNN or another outlet will be directing the show.
3/ In the next few days Nima/Berhe and co. will be introducing their play in print and on TV. Unfortunately, I am afraid that some of my predictions might be coming true.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
1/ CNN on Ethiopia
Season 1 - The CNN TPLF Marriage
CNN published around 60 articles on the Tigray Conflict from Nov 3 to date. We all know about their biased reporting and clear support for #TPLFTerroristGroup but check these facts out
2/ CNN actively developed 9 editorials between Nov 5 & Nov 13 and 0 for the rest of the month with the exception of 2 on Mai Kadra they couldn’t ignore on the 22nd and the 26th. Coincidentally, @reda_getachew went offline since Nov 15th
3/ He stayed offline for 3½ months till end of Feb except two tweets on 4th and 22nd of Dec. During 3½ months CNN made ONLY 4 articles related to the war. Coincidentally, both the resumption of CNN’s active reporting & @reda_getachew|s twitter comeback happened March 1.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
The origin story of a fake massacre

If you are wondering where the #TPLF got the inspiration for the #FakeHumeraMassacre, here is your answer!
1/ It is based on the story of the Kagera River, where thousands of bodies of victims of the Rwandan genocide floated downstream for weeks in 1994.…
2/ The similarity between the two stories is uncanny!
Kagera runs through Rwanda & Tanzania (597km) while Tekeze meanders through Ethiopia, Eritrea & Sudan (608km).

In both cases the river runs close to border towns that host thousands of refugees in UNHCR camps.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 6th 2021
New Thread: #HumeraMassacreDebunked

Let's debunk the #FakeHumeraMassacre once & for all! @nimaelbagir @berhe_lucy

1/ On July 22 the GOE issued a statement warning, that the #TPLF is transporting dead bodies of its fighters from Afar towards Mekele to stage a fake massacre...
On the face of it this looks like quite a suspicious and rediculous allegation. To start with, how are the #TPLF going to get the body to Tekeze without decomp setting in?
We got the answer thanks to @nimaelbagir|s experts, "the bodies had all been exposed to some form of chemical agent after death, leading to a process which had effectively preserved them before entering the water."
Read 18 tweets

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