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The crisis in #Afar Ethiopia is getting much needed intl. attention which is great. But the cause is poorly understood.

#Afar has been repeatedly invaded by TPLF forces over the last 19 months, and they continue to occupy parts of Zone 2 Afar - recently killing three young Afar.
The Pretoria Peace Agreement has not been implemented in Northern Afar and civilians in major towns have not been able to return to their homes.

Aid flows have resumed on the main aid route to Mekelle, but Afar pastoralists are not receiving aid.
Contraband diverted aid is flowing back over the border into Afar for which extortionate prices are being charged. And at the same time occupying TPLF forces continue to raid pastoral communities stealing and killing livestock.
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Thread: #Afar is suffering.

The people of afar faced an onslaught of TPLF mass destruction. As occupations of 2 abala districts continue accompanied by the random killing of afar pastoralists(of yesterday 3 civilians were killed): the negligence from the gov looks very alarming.
The humanitarian situation is also deteriorating, although the Gov of Eth covers the lion's share of all dispatched aid - afar gets little to no attention as the people huddle in temporary shelters, Without adequate water and sanitation - abandoned along looted health facilities
We say #Afarissuffering, #Afarcantwait - we demand a swift & actionable answer from @AbiyAhmedAli @PMEthiopia as our people can not afford to suffer at times of war and peace.

@althecat @AnnGarrison @1juxa @Assebpress2 @iyoba4u @yonast98 @sitty_mu @ethiopianlions @khaj_nat
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Thread; #Afar Can't Wait

#Afar faced the largest humanitarian crisis, expereincing worst food security with more than half a million displaced in the intermittent #TPLF onslaught. 1/n
Since, Nov 14 - a US backed terrorist group #TPLF launched countless minor - major attacks, however fighting increased sharply when #TPLF seized aba-ala ( internationally recognized humanitarian corridor). 2/n
And advanced toward Megale, kunneba, Dalol, Erebti & Berehale including places where thousands of afaris were internally displaced & faced dire humanitarian conditions. 3/n
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1. "... Certainly the agreement calls for the withdrawal of, as you pointed out, not only Eritrean forces but Amhara special forces and Afar militia that are currently in Tigray......."
Can the US, TPLF, TAC,TDF,TR,PP,OPP,PP,APP all ...…
2. please explain what your 'Tigray' reference mean? We ask because in Pretoria, all parties agreed to solve contested areas as per the constitution, that gives indication you're lumping those places in your definition. But just in case please explain!And if Pretoria & Nairobi
3. is an attempt to Segway into total takeover by TPLF, then you just don't understand you knowingly or unknowingly brokered a deal that signed continued genocide in these areas, the only sliver lining is of course these people will NEVER go under TPLF.
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1/: My initial reflections on the #Tigray - #Ethiopia #peaceagreement. First, it is commendable that the parties have reached an agreement. Admittedly, this was surprising. One should sincerely hope that the agreement will pave the way for durable peace.
2/: However, the #Tigray - #Ethiopia #peaceagreement circulating (still not in signed version) leaves many questions unanswered. Although the parties have committed themselves not to question any part of the agreement, it obligates us analysts to point out some issues of concern.
2b/: A huge disclaimer here: there is confusion on which text of the agreement is authentic. The agreement I base my points on is confirmed by several internationals as authentic, but we have to wait for the full signed version to appear before one can conclude on that.
Read 17 tweets
UE si è detta "allarmata per il deterioramento dell'ambiente operativo umanitario" negli stati regionali di #Tigray , #Amhara e #Afar dalla ripresa delle ostilità militarizzate il 24 agosto.…
L'UE ha anche affermato che i combattimenti avrebbero causato "decine di migliaia" di sfollati e causato danni diffusi a proprietà e infrastrutture civili.
In una dichiarazione rilasciata attraverso la sua Commissione per la gestione delle crisi, l'UE ha confermato
che "la fornitura di beni umanitari e carburante, nonché la disponibilità di contanti sono ancora totalmente bloccati per il #Tigray . Anche l'accesso umanitario è "fortemente ostacolato in tutte le aree colpite ad #Amhara e #Afar .
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1/ @DrTedros, recently accused the 'IC' of being racist for paying more attention to #Ukraine.

We (@Qnie_Addis & @Kings_of_Nile) analysed his tweets, RTs & likes starting from Oct 2021. Given his pronouncements, what we found was quite revealing.
2/ When you pay close attention to his Twitter activity, despite his protestations, #Tigray predominate his TL. He sometimes tweets, RTs or likes up to 8 Tigray related tweets per day! He has tweeted, RTd or liked tweets mentioning Tigray 208 times over the past 23 months!
3/ What about #Yemen you ask? And #Syria? Surely, the man who claims to be the conscience of the world would tweet incessantly about these humanitarian crises that had been raging for years. Nope! In reality, they are occasionally invoked only to accompany #Ukraine and Tigray.
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It is time for serious scrutiny of the @WHO Director-General @drtedros's role in the war in #Ethiopia.

During the past year, he has increasingly distorted the realities of the conflict to suit his personal interests.

Read on for our fact-checking record 👇
Content posted to @DrTedros's social media channels and @WHO social media channels suggest political intent.

We have correlated the promotion of #Tigray vs #Afar & #Amhara content on these channels below:
An analysis of Dr Tedros's public comments since Nov 2020 shows he has not once referenced suffering in #Afar & #Amhara.

This is at a time when @UNHumanRights describes the Afar situation as “dire with alarming levels of food insecurity and malnutrition.”
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This morning I visited Dubti IDP camp near Samara where 8000 families, 40,000 #Afar Zone 2 TPLF invasion refugees are located.

The camp is in an appalling state. It has received almost no assistance whilst a massive effort is underway to address unclear issues in Tigray. Image
The camp is receiving just 2 trucks of potable water a day, and sometimes just one. This works out at 25 liters per family or five liters per person. The minimum safe amount of water is 25 liters per person per day.
As a result the residents are forced to wash themselves and their clothes in stagnant fetid water which surrounds the camp. Diarrhea is rife worsening the hydration deficit caused by a massive shortage of drinkable water.
Read 13 tweets
#BloodyWinter: winter is coming to Ethiopia and it is going to be bloody

1/ In 2-3 months the rainy season will be upon Ethiopia. I am hoping against hope that I am wrong, but I am afraid it is going to be the bloodiest winter in our history!
2/ It appears, both #TPLF & its backers have given up their hope of bringing #TPLF back to power & have settled for an independent #Tigray to serve as their #HOA proxy to disrupt the region. The catch: An independent #Tigray can not be realized without #Welkait.
3/ #TPLF is using this respite to appease the populace severely affected by food shortage and the terrible cost of the loss from the previous campaign in terms of human life and replenish its dwindling supply to feed its army.
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#HR6600: Promising Blood, Tears and More Blood for Ethiopia

1/ Engineered by #DrEvil, powered by @PowerUSAID, introduced by @RepMalinowski and financed by the pro_TPLF diaspora, #HR6600 promises to inaugurate a decade of bloodshed, starvation and instability in the HoA.
2/ @StateDept supported TPLF up until the last moment with the hope TPLF will come back to power. With their dreams dashed, it seems they came to the conclusion that their best bet is to work with the GOE. The ambassador was replaced & @PowerUSAID's seems to have been sidelined.
3/ Now, @DrTedros & @PowerUSAID are spearheading a change in strategy. The new strategy is all about twisting the arm of @StateDept through bills passed by the Senate or Congress.
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To War, or Not to Be: Why #TPLF will ALWAYS choose war

1/TPLF backed by formidable western allies failed to deliver Addis and apparently lost their unqualified support. With thousands sacrificed with nothing show in return, TPLF is stuck between a rock & a hard place.
2/ TPLF knows it can only survive if there is active conflict. Without war keeping the populace in a state of near constant fear and paranoia will be nigh impossible. This makes the prospect of ordinary Tigrayans showing their discontent, a very real possibility.
3/ With that in mind TPLF will do all it can to keep the war going. After another round of conscription TPLF has been getting ready to launch an all out attack against #Afar and #Amhara.
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1/ It's about time! For the past 15 months our media has been play catch up to Digital Woyane & losing badly! None of our state run media (@ebczena, @fanatelevision, @walta_info) are verified & yet @OdaaTarbiiWBO the spokesperson of OLA has a verified account!
2/ @walta_info, @ebczena and @fanatelevision tweeted ONLY 12k, 16k and 22k times respectively over the past DECADE!
3/ All the news and documentaries about atrocities committed by the #TPLF in #Afar and #Amhara have not been made available in English. Video evidence of the numerous misdeeds of TPLF over the past 3 decades are not publicly available.
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1/ 5.5 million people died of COVID-19 under @DrTrdros's watch. The fall from grace of the @WHO under #TedrosTheTerrible might have caught many people by surprise but not many #Ethiopians.…
2/ Ethiopian health professionals gasped in disbelief when @DrTedros was elected to lead @WHO in May 2017. A man who grossly mismanaged three Cholera epidemics getting elected to manage the World Health Organization; what could possibly go wrong?🤔
3/ In October 2005, @DrTedros was appointed as the first non-MD Minister of Health in #Ethiopia. His only qualification to hold the post was him being a member of the Central Committee of the #TPLF.
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Dear #Amhara & #Afar.
Sephat Nega is a monster who master minded all the crisis in our region.
I know this is a very difficult times for you & I completely sympathise.
But be aware of the Digitalweyane. Their private chat reveals a nasty plan & I will share it.
From our 20yrs experience, TPLFites only strength is sowing discord & perpetuating conflict.
They split their group into 5 sub-groups & each assigned their own tasks.
They pose as:
1. #Oromo.
2. #Amhara.
3. #Eritreans.
4. Pro-Abiy
5. Anti-Abiy.
Task of those posing as Oromos are to attack Amhara relentlessly & exploit any historical misrepresentation to the maximum.
Those pose as Amhata will insult Oromos.
Those who pose as Eritreans, their task is to attack both Amhara & Oromo, & also lie about Eritrea's motives.
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#GaslightingEthiopia 101:
How to support #TPLFinc by undermining GOE using #TPLFcrimes

1/ In their report released on Dec 9, @hrw detailed atrocities perpetrated by #TPLF in #Chennai and #Kobo, between Aug 31 and Sept 9.
The findings of the report are chilling and makes you shudder thinking of what must have happened in areas held by #TPLF for several months.
2/ Yet the report raises more questions than it answers.
What about the 90 days since Sept 9? Why conduct the reports remotely, despite at least some areas being free for 3 months? Why release the report now as #TPLF occupation is ending & more atrocities are coming to light?
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Should we wait for a @UNHRC-@EthioHRC joint investigation of HR abuses in the #Amhara and #Afar regions by #TPLF?

I do not think so!

First of all, the process is lengthy, until #UN agrees, budgets are approved & released, personnel are identified and sent over. #Ethiopia
While we don't discount their investigation, the following are the risks:
- human & material evidences could be lost,
- priorities on the part of the organizations or the victims may change,
- there's is also a possibility of politics overriding the priorities/need.#Ethiopia
Actions (not exhaustive, by any measure):
- the respective regional admins/or civil societies organize fact gathering teams (led by competent lawyers),
- document abuses, wanton destructions, robbery, etc,
- fundraising efforts for the investigating teams, etc #Ethiopia
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#NoMore: read our lips

1/Admiral Stavridisj, the man who led the NATO Alliance from 2009 to 2013 as Supreme Allied Commander with responsibility for Afghanistan, Libya, the Balkans, Syria is calling for apparent US intervention in #Ethiopia.
2/ It appears the Admiral took the wrong lessons from this list of abject failures of US interventionalism. The Syrian crisis led to the resurgence of ISIS, Libya became a slave market and Afghanistan is in the hands of the Taliban. Impressive!
3/ The article started well before devolving into the usual mindless comparision with Yugoslavia. For the last time please stop comparing Ethiopia, a nation that was around for millennia with a country cobbled together from 3 preexisting nations in 1918 & lasted a mere 74 years!
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The waiting negotiation paradoxes
When the unilateral ceasefire was declared for vague reasons, now it seems almost was a lie, #TPLFites never hurried to take the opportunity. They were rather hurried for invasion. I don't know what was the contingency
plan awaited to counter if the unilateral ceasefire fails to live up to the promises.

Now we are a witness, there was none. Yes, we can't afford to dwell on that issue anymore as the crisis is already developed into a question of life and death for the people of #Amhara.
However, on the other hand, #TPLFites regularly confessed and claimed apart from their desire to score points with the people of #Amhara and retaliate that their invasion was based on:–
1) creating a buffer zone
2) to grasp areas for future negotiations as a bargaining chip
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Why I #RejectTheJointInvestigation

The joint investigation into human rights abuses in #Tigray that @UNHumanRights & @EthioHRC conducted is fraught with serious limitations; does not satisfy the minimum standards, and as such should be rejected.
Here is why: 1 /24
1. The involvement of a national body to investigate a situation, which is marked by gross violations of human rights & humanitarian norms; and committed in a politically polarized society as current #Ethiopia is unprecedented, including in @UNHumanRights 's experience 2/24
2. There was no good reason to involve the @EthioHRC in this endeavor. In fact, it was the sheer insistence of the #Ethiopian regime that forced the @UNHumanRights to accept the arrangement as a last resort. No other explanation is provided on z matter. This is suspicious. 3/24
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.@timnitGebru Rebuttal
[re-purposing my arguments form the Rand-Corp thread]

1/ @timnitGebru, the fatal flaw at the very heart of your reasoning is your decision to equate information from MSM with truth with regard to the conflict in N. Ethiopia, which begs the question:
How does one know the news articles and reports from HR groups are not disinformation?
If your arbiters of absolute truth are these media outlets and this was at the time of the Iraqi war, you would have concluded that Iraq possessed WMDs!
If it was during the war on Libya, you would have endorsed the claim by Amnesty that soldiers of Gaddafi were being given free Viagra to encourage mass rape.
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1/ On Nov 2 Virginians will vote in the Gubernatorial Election. On Nov 4 #Ethiopians all over the world will hold a day of remembrance for the hundreds of Ethiopian soldiers massacred by the TPLF in the dead of night on Nov 4, 2020.
2/ Belatedly, both sides are scrambling to appeal to Ethiopians. #Ethiopians will not be swayed by vacous video messages or bland statements. Ethiopians demand change in US FP towards Ethiopia! Ethiopians demand action! So far the Biden admin has been found wanting!
3/ The current adminstartion's support for #TPLF and demonization of GOE is clear as daylight. The liberal political-media complex is working day and night against Ethiopia.
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This article written by a certainMoriah Assefa & published by @EthiopiaInsight aka @wdavison10 is an attempt at analysis that falls even below the abysmal standard set by many pseudo intellectuals in the pro-#TPLF camp.
1/ The writer dismisses every claim ever made about the geopolitical nature of the USGs stance regarding Ethiopia by branding them as conspiratorial, pseudo intellectual and propaganda.
Yet he doesn't put forward any credible reason why any of them aren't plausible explanstions except his conviction that they 'just are.' He just wants us to take his words for it!
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#ResistEthiopia: Resistance Flourishes in Darkness

1. For the past eleven months, the pro-#Ethiopia camp has been screaming bloody murder regarding the virtually complete media blackout of Pro-#Ethiopian voices.
The media blackout and the negative coverage of #Ethiopia by the MSM has resulted in a cascading effect, leading astray not only ordinary citizens but also academicians who you think would know better.
For this thread, demonstrating the the media blackout, I have collaborated with another exceptionally talented Ethiopian, @Samriethio!
Read 14 tweets

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