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Oct 27th 2020
I feel the real issues are not being covered in our @GREATBritain @LawDog323 @TheLawMap @TheLawyermag .

What is the point of #RuleofLawisback when the same #CorruptAndComplicitGOP ignored by the very law makers ignored by @MHewittNPCC deputy #commissioner of @PoliceChiefs
who only last year is telling us how fantastic @cpsuk @IOPC_Help are.

Yet in the next breath he has treated this family worse than I have ever witnessed from a high ranking officer who knows of what #bernardhoganhowe and @UKParliament @wabbey are
still getting away with what we know is still continuing because @NSPCC @PeterWanless @MaggieOliverUK and the @InquiryCSA was set up to ignore every single real #victims helped by just about every single so called #FightingEvilByGroupWatch such as @voicing_csa @JU5TLAW
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