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Jan 12th 2021
1/ A comprehensive analysis of the Commission Report will not happen this week.

It will take a considerable amount of time for us to attempt to access the Commission's sources (where possible that is) & carefully examine their conclusions.
2/ At first glance however, I'm afraid the signs are not good. E.g.:

The contention that adoption in Ireland was not forced.

The idea that women were somehow mistaken that they didn't fully consent at the time of the adoption.
3/ The recommendation on access to birth certificates is simply appalling. A similar model was robustly rejected by adopted people in 2019. (For more on adoption information access see:…) Image
Read 19 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
I feel the real issues are not being covered in our @GREATBritain @LawDog323 @TheLawMap @TheLawyermag .

What is the point of #RuleofLawisback when the same #CorruptAndComplicitGOP ignored by the very law makers ignored by @MHewittNPCC deputy #commissioner of @PoliceChiefs
who only last year is telling us how fantastic @cpsuk @IOPC_Help are.

Yet in the next breath he has treated this family worse than I have ever witnessed from a high ranking officer who knows of what #bernardhoganhowe and @UKParliament @wabbey are
still getting away with what we know is still continuing because @NSPCC @PeterWanless @MaggieOliverUK and the @InquiryCSA was set up to ignore every single real #victims helped by just about every single so called #FightingEvilByGroupWatch such as @voicing_csa @JU5TLAW
Read 24 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
A thread with information and resources for anyone who is new to #UnsealTheArchive (also tagging in #Stand4Truth for people following that)

I thought it might be helpful to put together a thread with some basic information to give an idea of who we all are & what we do. 1/
To the survivors, adopted people, natural mothers, natural family members becoming politicised for the first time - welcome! Peer support is available here:…

To the allies, welcome also and thank you for your support! 2/
We in @adoptionrights @maglaundries have been doing this work over the past 2 decades & at times it has been a lonely road for everyone concerned, so it is simply wonderful to see so many of you putting your shoulder to the wheel with us! 3/
Read 26 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
#Stand4Truth #UnsealTheArchives #MotherAndBabyHomes

We have been asked by a survivor who wishes to maintain her confidentiality to:

'Please convey to the Senator @barrymward, publicly, that nobody is "leading anybody up any garden path", that we are highly intelligent persons,
(Quote cont'd)

some of us academics, who have taught for many years at university level, and we are more than capable of understanding our rights, and the abuse of our rights, and we also recognise when Irish patronising men dare to insult us along with the female lawyers who
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represent us, given that a criminal, patriarchal Ireland sought to destroy our lives by committing horrendous crimes against us.

The Senator owes to us women survivors, mothers who were constrained by the Irish State to give away our children, an apology,
Read 4 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
A thread in response to serious allegations made by @barrymward under privilege in the Seanad yesterday: #Stand4Truth #UnsealTheArchive 1/
@barrymward The allegations made by @barrymward are typical of the type of bullying women experience on a daily basis, so my colleagues & I decided that we can’t allow this to go unchecked. 2/
@barrymward By way of background, on 12th Oct @clann_project launched an email campaign as we were extremely concerned that the Commission of Investigation Records Bill was being rushed through & that records would be put beyond the reach of stakeholders:… 3/
Read 7 tweets
Oct 24th 2020

If DPC said exact opposite, how can the AG have advised & Government swallowed (while refusing to release any of the correspondence) that GDPR was ‘explicitly excluded’ from applying to Commission’s archive?(see 👇)…

DPC statement in thread:
“The DPC was consulted by the Department on the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for the Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Records, and another Matter, Bill 2020.
The DPC provided a number of observations on the DPIA. In relation to the matter you raise about “Rights of Access” to information, it should be noted firstly that the rights under data protection legislation relate specifically to a right of access by an individual to their own
Read 8 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
Thread: In 2014, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child examined the Holy See's human rights record. Regarding #Ireland it noted patterns of 'torture and other cruel or degrading treatment' and 'sale of children, trafficking & abduction' #papalvisit…
UNCRC noted Vatican's failure to investigate the arbitrary incarceration and 'slavery-like' conditions of girls and women in Magdalene Laundries
In addition to providing accountability and redress, the Committee urged the Vatican to take 'all necessary measures to ensure that women and children are not arbitrarily confined for any reason whatsoever in Catholic institutions in the future'.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
This was 2003, just after I’d successfully campaigned for Ferns Inquiry, the 1st investigation of clerical abuse in an Irish diocese. The Church fought tooth & nail against its establishment. This attempt to suppress information is no surprise #Stand4Truth…
We were campaigning for a full inquiry into abuse in the Archdiocese of Dublin at the time. The Church was still denying that abuse was commonplace & that it knew about it & had covered it up. It argued that Canon (church) Law was superior to the law of the state. #Stand4Truth
It was also the the same period within which the Vatican asserted diplomatic immunity to block my civil action against the Pope to try force them to reveal what they knew about the priest who had raped me and dozens of other boys. #Stand4Truth
Read 9 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
Crocheting in style at @theshelbourne, #crochet

I've joined two squares of Irish crochet for "Stitched With Love" who are making a commemorative blanket of white squares to remember the 796 babies who died in Tuam mother & baby home. @5lampsartsfest #TuamBabies @PaulOMahony #796 Image
Read 31 tweets

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