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Sep 5th 2022
#TodayinHistory in 1972, 50 yrs ago, a bomb exploded at Joe's Department Store in Carriedo St., Quiapo, #Manila #PH. This was part of a series of bombings that would be used as reason for the proclamation of a nationwide Martial Law by Pres. Ferdinand Marcos on the 23rd. THREAD.
In late 60s to 1970, public opinion was against any prospect of Ferdinand Marcos extending his 2nd & final term. He won as the 2nd reelected #PH president in 1969 under 1935 Consti. At the time, there was push to amend the Constitution.
Protests erupted, expressing sentiment not to use ConCon to extend Marcos' term. People suspect he would be made interim Prime Minister upon change of form of gov. The protests would be known in history as the #FirstQuarterStorm. ConCon began in June 1971.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
#TodayinHistory in 1972, a bomb exploded at Joe's Department Store in Carriedo St., Quiapo, #Manila #PH. This was part of a series of bombings in #Manila that would be used as reason for the proclamation of the nationwide Martial Law by Pres. Ferdinand Marcos on the 23rd. THREAD. Image
Beginning in 1970, public opinion was against any prospect of Ferdinand Marcos extending his 2nd & final term. He won as the 2nd reelected #PH president in 1969 under 1935 Constitution. At the time, there was push to amend the Constitution via a Constitutional Convention. ImageImage
Protests spread in streets in 1970, expressing sentiment not to use ConCon to extend Marcos' term. People suspect he would be made interim Prime Minister upon change of form of gov. The protests would be known in history as the #FirstQuarterStorm. ConCon began in June 1971. ImageImage
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