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Mar 25th 2020
Rajasthan is one of the few states which will provide universal, *free* food packets (5 kg wheat, 1 kg rice, 1/2 ltr oil, 1/2 kg salt, 1 kg pulse and 1 kg rice) to both families with and without ration cards

#NoCoronaHunger #FreeFoodForLockdown
#Kerala will provide 15 kgs of *free* food to every Keralite and open within the week 1000 community kitchens - one in each panchayat. Anganwadi children already receive dry rations delivered at home.

#NoCoronaHunger #FreeFoodForLockdown…
#TamilNadu will give ₹1000 to all ration cards holders with free rice, sugar, essential commodities and face masks

#NoCoronaHunger #FreeFoodForLockdown…
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