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May 17th 2023
1/ On May 11-14, Lisbon was the epicenter of the #crypto 🌐 world, and #1inch was right in the middle of it all!

Our presence was felt throughout, and we're excited to share the experience with you.

Check out our recap and photos πŸ‘‡ capturing the essence of the events. ImageImageImageImage
2/ On May 11-12, #1inch co-founder @deacix gave outstanding πŸŒ… keynotes at @ETHGlobal Lisbon and Pragma. Sergej also hosted a workshop on 1inch's ☯️ #FusionMode.

On May 13, Sergej joined Beyond 4337's panel 'Smart Wallets - Mass adoption' co-hosted with other #Web3 experts. ImageImageImageImage
3/ At #ETHGlobal Lisbon, our booth became a hub of excitement and engagement! 🀩 Visitors flocked to learn more about #1inch products and took part in our quiz.

πŸ₯³ Congratulations to the winners, @DeFi_Foodie, @zeGarcao and @rostyketh, who collected $1INCH tokens as prizes!
Read 8 tweets
Dec 25th 2022
1/ πŸ™ƒ Remember we teased some major release about a week ago?

This upgrade is gonna turn the #DeFi game πŸ”ƒ upside down.

β›½οΈπŸš« Meet #FusionMode, which enables users to place orders without paying network fees!

➑️ Read more:…

#1inch #crypto
2/ The Fusion release is centered around the #1inch Swap Engine – a combination of existing and new tech aiming to improve the profitability and security of swaps.

The upgrade also contains major improvements to πŸ›‘οΈ security, as well as updated staking contracts and tokenomics.
3/ The #1inch Swap Engine is a #decentralized trading and matching system that connects #DeFi users with practically limitless liquidity through professional market makers. πŸ™Œ Basically, it offers users access to almost all available liquidity in the #crypto market.
Read 14 tweets

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