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Dec 16th 2022
Sehr aktueller Preprint zu #longcovid und #Genalayse und #GProteinGekoppelteRezeptoren

Kurze Zusammenfassung / Short summary of this data analysis

Long COVID: G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) responsible for persistent post-COVID symptoms…
Durch computergestützte Methoden wurden 255 #LongCOVID-#Symptome analysiert und die dazu relevanten Gene identifiziert.

This work utilised computational methods to analyse the persistence of COVID symptoms after recovery and to identify the relevant genes.
Protein-protein interaction network overview. Nodes = proteins, edges represent the interaction between two nodes (proteins). The top 10 key hub #genes of 255 symptoms of #longcovid are related to G-protein coupled receptors shown in circular nodes in pink.
Read 11 tweets
May 3rd 2022
🚨 65 days and counting!! 🚨 It is my GREAT pleasure to announce an exciting #GPCR meeting you're not going to want to miss @cool7TMs Some MAJOR details here👇 pls RT!
@MagdalenaScharf, @cory_p_johnson, @paulamlcr and I have been tinkering in private for the last few months ~ I've enjoyed many early morning (PST 😖) zooms, with many more to come. But what we've got brewing, has me so excited.
We're following in the footsteps of the first transatlantic ECI GPCR symposium which was beautifully organized by @NicoleAPerry1 @cyclic_Andreas @DesislavaNeshe1 @BenderSci
Read 30 tweets

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