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Day 1. Boarded train from Delhi and reached Haridwar on time. Had to wait for my taxi guy to pick up. Once we started journey to barkot, witnessed huge traffic due to holiday season and people driving on hilly areas. It took some 2 hrs to get out that mess and finally reachedā€¦ā€¦
Day 2: started trek from Janakicheti around 9:30 am. The climate was sunny and breezy. The trek is about 6 kms ( as per sign board) one way. Crowd was there and walking was pleasant. After check point the way become little steep and breathing gets difficult. Due to narrow way andā€¦ā€¦
Read 14 tweets
Har Har Mahadev

Passing by.

#JaiShriKedar ImageImageImage
En route. Only divinity. Nothing else. Vast difference in developing this place even in last 4-5 years. #Rishikesh
#HarHarMahadevą„ #JaiShriKedar ImageImageImage
#Rishikesh is giving Brigade Road a complex!!! ImageImage
Read 136 tweets

Here's a compilation of some timelapse animations that show different stories from across India over the 3 decades (1989 - 2018) . Created with @googleearth @EarthOutreach #newyear2020

1: Restless #Brahmaputra n tributaries meandering,changing course in #Assam
2. Growth of Brick Kiln industry in the banks of #Hooghly, #Rupnarayan rivers near #Kolkata (brown polygons close to the rivers' banks) #WestBengal
3. Embankment failure in #Kosi River (2008) caused flooding. It also left a sediment footprint that was visible from satellites. #Bihar
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