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Apr 30th 2020
#Corbin was not a thinker whose influences and interests were easily compartmentalised but rather his #Protestantism, #existentialism interest in #mysticism #RussianOrthodoxPhilosophy all came together in his study of #IranianIslam 1/
With respect to #phenomenology and #existentialism from Germany as well as #Hegelianism these were mediated by Alexander Koyré and Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) both Russian exiles trained in Germany and teaching at #EPHE 2/ Image
From Kojève he first came to understand the #phenomenology of #EdmundHusserl (1859-1938) who also taught #Heidegger as well as #KarlJaspers (1883-1969) who taught at #Heidelberg before being blacklisted by the Nazis 3/ ImageImage
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Apr 16th 2020
The reception of #EuropeanPhilosophy in #Iran is around 100 years old and #Nashr_e_nay in #Tehran has been at the forefront of publishing translations - a thread on #translation in #ContemporaryIranianPhilosophy and the work of ‘Abdol-Karim Rashidiyan 1/
#Rashidiyan (b. 1948) is a professor of philosophy at #ShahidBeheshti university in #Tehran one of the best departments in #Iran and received his PhD from #Sorbonne in 1978; especially known for his translations of #continentalphilosophy 2/
Early on he translated the famous manifesto of William James (1842-1910) - Pragmatism 3/ ImageImage
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