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Sep 13th 2022
We continue with a new thread #OpChildSafety and #OpRussia, it seems that I have found dark pages that take me to Russia and pre-teen modeling agencies.
#OpChildSafety and #OpRussia, I have a long list of dark web targets that instead of finishing, increase every day, along with their respective consumption, I can't give you the links (let's not prevent the enemy) but I will explain what worries me the most.
#OpChildSafety, #OpRussia, and #OpTruth, during my long journey of research, we have observed that the dark web is quite endless, one section includes agencies that want to normalize abuse, I checked my list, .ru and the like reign there.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
Thread on #APT grps, #hacktivists, #Ransomware gangs with their ‘likely’ associations (as per TTPs and reports) that are playing a significant role in impending #Ukraine #Russian conflict. Correct me if i am wrong or missing any one. 1/
Firstly on Russian 🇷🇺side there are #GhostWriter (#Belarus Govt Backed) #CozyBear (Russian Foreign Intel aka #SVR) #UNC1151 (Minsk based) #FancyBears & #SandWorm (Russian Military Intel aka #GRU) #Turla and #Gamaredon (Russian Internal Intel #FSB Former KGB) 2/
Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
Vu l'importance des événements en cours en #Ukraine nous ouvrons un thread sur les articles qui traitent des cyberattaques.

N'hésitez pas à nous envoyer vos sources. L'objectif est de rassembler un maximum de contenus.

On commence avec "wiper"…
L'Anssi demande aux entreprises et aux administrations de renforcer leurs défenses.…
Coupure d'Internet à Kharkiv (une des premières villes attaquées).…
Read 48 tweets

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