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Most recents (4)

Nov 5th 2022
I have never claimed to be fashionable and rarely do I ever match ☺️

I am wearing my heart shoes and my red dress tie from @HeartNews @AHAScience @GoRedForWomen

#AHA22 Day 1 Image
My shoe buddy and frankly the genesis for why I purchased these shoes @KnightSNPs

Stop by S3156. Dr Knights poster on #disparities in #research. #aha22

We need to fix it. ImageImage
Also, don’t miss Dr Horne’s poster on #statin and #etoh. S3063

If transaminases are elevated and statins are indicated: keep the statin, abstain from etoh
@Intermountain @KirkKnowlton
#aha22 ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
1/36 y/o F hx of anxiety p/w a 2nd episode of transient chest pain w emotional stress & her admission EKG shows 4 mm ST elevations in leads V1-V3. Her 1st troponins check was high. She is currently chest-pain free & vitals are normal.

What do you do next?
2/ This is a picture of her EKG Image
3/ You look up and notice the STEMI pathway chart conveniently plastered above your workstation‼️

You recognize the patient's presentation is consistent with ACS and her ST elevations meet criteria for STEMI---> you appropriately escalate and decide to call "code STEMI" 🚨📞 Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
We know from @SashaShillcutt & @JulieSilverMD’s @NEJM paper, that social media has become an important avenue for women physicians to gather, providing #WomeninMedicine new avenues to share information & experiences:… #SheforShe
We wanted to better understand the #womenincardiology Twitter network – not just how many tweets, but more *how* the network is being used & if it is *useful*
We analyzed #ACCWIC #WomeninCardiology #ilooklikeacardiologist #AHAWIC #WomeninEP & #SCAIWIN
Read 16 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
#Cardiotwitter thank you for transforming the field of cardiology.

This paper is a testimony of that transformation brought upon by the use of #SoMe in #CV medicine. Published today in @JACCJournals…

Here is a tweetorial on why #SoMe in #CVmedicine
If you are new to twitter look at this slide from my #SoMeGR at @LLUHealth
Engagement = Likes +Retweets
Impressions= Users that tweeted the tweet x no of their followers
More in the basics of #SoMe in…
@adityadoc1 @AdiAJoshi @poojaotherwise @almasthela
Make sure to use the hashtags to increase your engagement
List of the popular hashtags used on #cardiotwitter below- look at the reach of those hashtags!

Don’t forget Imaging hashtags: #echofirst #whyCMR #yesCCT #ACCimaging #CVimaging
More at…
Read 13 tweets

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