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Aug 17th 2021
Audit reports are prepared and released like clockwork every year. EVERY YEAR, regardless of who's sitting in either offices. Bakit biglang considered premature ang report nang magtanong ang COA bakit hindi nagamit or hindi nagamit nang maayos ang P67 bilyon ng DOH? #BudgetWatch
Parang investigative report 'yang audit report. May deadline. When you've been given enough time to dispute or comment on the findings pero di kayo sumagot, itatakbo ang istorya. May pasabi lang na kung finally ay sasagot kayo, ia-update ang istorya. #BudgetWatch
Gentlemen, precisely because we're in extraordinary times, in a time of emergency, and we need urgency, kaya nagtanong ang COA:

Bakit hindi ninyo ginamit o inilabas ang bilyon-bilyong pisong nakalaan na panserbisyo sa mga nagkakasakit at namamatay na kababayan? #BudgetWatch
Read 18 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
🚨 🚨 New @brookingsmetro post from @StatelerLaura & me:

"@Amazon & @Walmart have raked in billions in profits during pandemic & shared almost none of it w/ their workers."

We compare 1st-of-its-kind data on profits, #HazardPay & billionaire wealth. 1/…
Despite earning $10.7 billion in *additional* profit during the pandemic compared to last year, and generating enormous shareholder wealth, @Amazon and @Walmart were among the least generous of the 13 companies we studied in our Nov report.…

In fact, 2/
Both Walmart and Amazon could have quadrupled the #hazardpay they gave their frontline workers this year and *still* have earned more profit than last year.

This staggering imbalance between profits and people stands in stark contrast to many of the companies' competitors. 3/
Read 11 tweets
Nov 21st 2020
🚨 🚨 Excited to share my favorite publication yet: new @brookingsmetro report w/ @StatelerLaura @JuliaTDu

"Windfall profits & deadly risks: How the biggest retail companies are compensating #EssentialWorkers during the #COVID19 pandemic"…

A 🧵 1/
We ask: are the biggest retail companies in America that are booming during -and b/c of- the pandemic sharing windfall profits w/ workers who are making the least & risking the most? As pandemic worsens, what $ should workers earn, and what *have* they earned during pandemic? 2/
During the pandemic, big retail companies like @amazon @Walmart @Target @HomeDepot @Albertsons have flourished. We looked at 13 top of top 20 retail companies. Together, they earned an EXTRA $16.9 billion in profit this yr compared to last year, a stunning 39%, increase. 3/
Read 20 tweets
Aug 5th 2020's been a good while since I've done a good tweetstorm, but since it now appears that the #HEROESAct will soon be passed as the second stimulus package, it's time to talk about the #HazardPay section and how it may affect those of us #EssentialWorkers.

As far as publicity is concerned, #HazardPay has been the stepsister in the basement, at least compared to the rollicking debates over the stim checks and the $600/week fed UI extension.

But, it actually may be the most impacting for #essentialworkers down the line.

Until recently, it seems that not even the parties in DC now negotiating and fighting over the details of the stim package have given #HazardPay its due analysis. Nor has the media.

Read 43 tweets

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