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Introducing: #COA

I thought it would be motivational to assign Rank & Insignia based on Follower Cadre size. Not me, not yet, but there ARE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"Generals” in this Cadre.

Put it in your Bio or Screen Name. I did, I’m a “COA⭐️⭐️⭐️” Image
I take uniting Patriots seriously. Networks are robust and resilient based on how many connections they have.

I will continue connecting Patriots and trying to inspire and encourage them to do likewise… right up to election day.

Get in the fight, join the #COA
🇺🇸❤️ #COA⭐️⭐️⭐️
The attached thread explains how to get to and beyond 5000 Followers. It describes the process I continue to use to this day.
🇺🇸❤️ #COA⭐️⭐️⭐️…
Read 5 tweets
1/ Staatssecretaris Van Der Burg (asiel, #VVD) maakte afgelopen dinsdag bekend dat hij het COA opdracht heeft gegeven om hotel #Elshuys in #Albergen te kopen. Hiermee functioneert het #COA niet als een onafhankelijke partij maar als direct verlengstuk van het ministerie. #MvW Image
2/ #Staatssecretaris Van Der Burg heeft de afgelopen tijd meerdere keren verteld dat hij in #100weigergemeenten een #AZC wil neerzetten, dit op verzoek van het COA.
3/ Omdat de #regering en #staatssecretaris geen onrust willen creëren en hun kansen niet willen zien vervliegen houden ze deze 100 gemeenten angstvallig geheim.
Read 13 tweets
#COA & advisors knew that #FIFA will never take third party involvement lightly but still they took the risk & kept on going against #FIFA.

Heartbreak for true #IndianFootball fans. Think about @GokulamKeralaFC
Women's team who travelled & prepared for #AFC competition
#FIFA will never allow any federation to give players voting rights, If they do so then in future players might ask for voting rights for #FIFA elections.

It's naive from COA and others who thought they can give players voting rights just like that.

#IndianFootball 2/3
FIFA will give #AIFF another chance to get house in order before giving #FIFAU17WC to backup host.

When I spoke to people about backup hosts they told me it's joke but seems like FIFA was not joking.

Read 5 tweets
Ik denk dat ik het maar blijf herhalen, want @WybrenvanHaga leert het ook niet:

Asielzoekers vormen 10% (!!!) van de jaarlijkse immigratie.

De overige 90% (!!!) zijn (kennis)werkers die we hier zelf naartoe halen.
De waarheid strookt niet met je wereldbeeld begrijp ik?

Eh, nee.
Er hebben zich in totaal 200k mensen gemeld waarvan dus maar 10% vluchteling is.

Waarom willen mensen zo graag dat we overlopen worden door vluchtelingen? Zelfs als het aantoonbaar niet waar is?

Read 20 tweets
Audit reports are prepared and released like clockwork every year. EVERY YEAR, regardless of who's sitting in either offices. Bakit biglang considered premature ang report nang magtanong ang COA bakit hindi nagamit or hindi nagamit nang maayos ang P67 bilyon ng DOH? #BudgetWatch
Parang investigative report 'yang audit report. May deadline. When you've been given enough time to dispute or comment on the findings pero di kayo sumagot, itatakbo ang istorya. May pasabi lang na kung finally ay sasagot kayo, ia-update ang istorya. #BudgetWatch
Gentlemen, precisely because we're in extraordinary times, in a time of emergency, and we need urgency, kaya nagtanong ang COA:

Bakit hindi ninyo ginamit o inilabas ang bilyon-bilyong pisong nakalaan na panserbisyo sa mga nagkakasakit at namamatay na kababayan? #BudgetWatch
Read 18 tweets
[Hilo] Estimación #SemáforoCOVID19

Aquí los estados que estimé durante el directo de hoy, como siempre, recomiendo verlo diferido para entender todos los indicadores y su comportamiento por estados.


¡Gracias a los que estuvieron presentes! Image
A destacar de los estados que estimé:

• Solo #MOR con el puntaje requerido para estar en #SemáforoVerde.

#NLE, #ROO, #YUC en #SemáforoNaranja.

• 13 estados en #SemáforoAmarillo.
↔ Cambios:

• De 🟢 #SemáforoVerde a 🟡 #SemáforoAmarillo:

• De 🟡 #SemáforoAmarillo a 🟠 #SemáforoNaranja:
#NLE, #YUC. ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
A quick message to all children (including adult ones!) of alcoholic parents

Christmas Day is going to be difficult. There's no way round that. But Santa gave you an immense gift - the ability to survive. #joinin #IAmCOA #COA @NacoaUK
You aren't responsible for your parent's drinking or the things they've said and done while drunk. Their issues aren't yours. They have to fight their own demons. You cannot help.

Be there for YOU.

#joinin #IAmCOA #COA @NacoaUK
You will get through today. You WILL.

If you can, put them to the back of your mind and enjoy everything around you. If you can't avoid them, give yourself as much space as possible.

#joinin #IAmCOA #COA @NacoaUK
Read 5 tweets

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