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Jun 20th 2021
Happy 130th Birthday to us!

The TTFNC was founded on July 10th 1891 in order to: “...give pleasure to its members by observation of animal, insect and plant life in Trinidad”.

This thread will revisit some key milestones in our long history! 1/n #130yearsofTTFNC Image
In 1892, the first issue of our peer-reviewed journal was published as an outlet for our members to publish interesting and novel #NaturalHistory observations. It continues to this day as "Living World, the Journal of the TTFNC".… 2/n #130yearsofTTFNC Image
The first issue of our journal included J. E. Tanner's breakthrough discovery that #leafcutter #ants (locally known as #bachacs) cultivate fungus & feed it to their larvae, rather than eating the leaves directly as previously thought. 🐜🌿🍄3/n #130yearsofTTFNC ImageImage
Read 27 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
And now we have @annatoledano on ‘Resurrecting Lost Objects in the Natural History Museum’ #ResurrectingObjects #MuseumTwitter #BSHSGlobalHist
@annatoledano 1/11 #Museums aren’t forever. Might seem counterintuitive at 1st, but decay, loss, destruction are the norm for objects, not the exception. A challenge for #twitterstorians is to tell stories of lost things from other sources and via new methods #publichistory #BSHSGlobalHist
@annatoledano 2/11 Lost museums are easy to remember. Recreations of @JenksMuseum, @harvartmuseums’ philosophy chamber, @hmns’s cabinet of curiosities focus on bringing to life the whole rather than the part. But the source material often shows individual specimens too 🐊🐡🦜🦞 #BSHSGlobalHist The Houston Museum of Natur...
Read 12 tweets

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