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Jan 5th 2023
#Huobi seems to be melting down in real time, possibly along with His Excellency #JustinSun's fortune...

Shut down all intra-employee IMs etc, maybe fired a bunch of people. Employees now angry (or Sun is ruggin') @HuobiGlobal @justinsuntron
@HuobiGlobal @justinsuntron Apparently #JustinSun tried to dissolve the company (which would presumably leave all the employees unemployed).

Remember just yesterday it was reported that #JustinSun had tried to pay #Huobi employees in $USDT and/or $USDC... #Tether (h/t @crasl7 for non machine translation)
Random Twitter user sharing rumors that there are concerns this will spread to #TRON and its companies from Pulse (which @crasl7 looked into and called "Chinese language LinkedIn")
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