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Apr 20th 2019
See thread. #Typhoid vaccination #Manus
1. Australia's recommendations re #Typhoid: PNG is known as a region with a high incidence of typhoid.
Aus govt recommends typhoid revaccination
3 years after a 3-dose course, or 5 years after a 4-dose course.…
2. Why are refugees & asylum seekers who #Australia forcibly sent to #Manus becoming infected with #Typhoid?
Australia knows that in PNG 'Typhoid fever has moderate to high incidence, and high mortality'.
Are refugees & asylum seekers revaccinated as recommended by Australia?
3. Whether men were vaccinated with 2x3 yearly doses or 1x5 yearly dose, #typhoid revaccination fell due during #PIH tenure.
Did PIH revaccinate the men in #Manus camps?
PIH received $21.5m over 10 months to provide healthcare in the #Manus camp small clinic.
PIH Negligence?
Read 11 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
1) Today at 11:19 am AWST, IHMS's GP during my appointment told me that he won't be providing me with any Medical Care, Assistance, & Medical Treatment & that:
"That's the end of our conversation" the #IHMS doctor said.
So I continue to be without my Medication & in Extreme Pain.
2) WA Health & Disabilities don't have Jurisdiction to investigate #IHMS,& @CwealthOmb can only ask questions & the department can't take years to answer,in the meantime you remain untreated & without medication.
This is a a very calculated vicious move to #Torture me by the law
3) At 01:31 pm AWST I met two ABF officers to convey my grievence regarding IHMS. #ABF advised me there is not much they can do to sway #IHMS.
But to their credit they said I can Oraganize & Pay for my own Doctor to treat me, & they will issue a letter to that effect to me & IHMS
Read 8 tweets
Nov 11th 2018
1/12 #APEC media: Australia paid many $Billions to private companies #IHMS & #PIH to provide limited medical services to #Manus refugees for 5+ years. Nothing to upgrade Manus Island Lorengau Hospital that’s a run-down, little provincial hospital servicing an entire community.
2/12 When #Manus refugees need X-rays, scans, dental treatment, surgery, emergency services, in-patient or out-of-hours services, they are sent to #Lorengau Hospital. This strains the already overburdened island health service. #APEC has triggered a Manus health services crisis.
3/12 While 5 critically ill refugees remain, PIH hospital Port Moresby discharged all PNG patients & cancelled dozens of sick refugees’ treatment. PIH/Australia refugee contract conflicts with preferred #APEC provider role. Dozens of sick refugees were forced to return to #Manus.
Read 16 tweets

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