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Mar 5th 2020
We’re proud to present our #preprint, where we induce embryo-like morphogenesis in #gastruloids, resulting in the generation of trunk-like-structures (#TLS) with #somites flanking the #neuraltube @MPI_MolGen w/ @adrianobolondi . A short summary (1/12)…
#Gastruloids are a fantastic culture system, but lack proper morphogenesis, e.g. neural cells do not form a neural tube and presomitic mesoderm does not condense into somites. Can we induce proper embryo-like morphology by mechano-chemical manipulation? Yes, we can! (2/12)
Embedding 96h #gastruloids in 5% #matrigel resulted in trunk-like-structures, with somites flanking the neural tube. Activation of WNT signaling, either alone or in combination with BMP inhibition lead to hyper-epithelialized somites arranged as a bunch of grapes (3/12)
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