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Oct 15th 2021
DUSSEHRA Special Edition - Not to be missed!

#PBNSdailyMagazine- 15 Oct 2021


All Editions:
Bommai Golu: Storytelling with figurines & dolls

Link -…
Omnipresent Omnipotent Ram !
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Oct 13th 2021
- रामायण, पूर्वोत्तर, चार धाम सर्किट पर प्रीमियम ट्रेन चलाएगी भारतीय रेलवे
- India to be fastest-growing economy in the world in 2021 & 2022: IMF

#PBNSdailyMagazine- 13 Oct 2021


All Editions: Image
Positive Governance: @MoHFW_INDIA @DefenceMinIndia ImageImage
@MoHFW_INDIA @DefenceMinIndia श्रद्धालुओं के लिए बड़ी खुशखबरी, रामायण, पूर्वोत्तर, चार धाम सर्किट पर प्रीमियम ट्रेन चलाएगी भारतीय रेलवे

Link:… ImageImage
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Oct 11th 2021
- रेलवे ने पहली बार ‘त्रिशूल’ और ‘गरुड़’ मालगाड़ियों का किया सफलतापूर्वक संचालन
- पीएम मोदी ने किया भारतीय अंतरिक्ष संघ का शुभारंभ

#PBNSdailyMagazine- 11 Oct 2021


All Editions:
पीएम मोदी ने किया भारतीय अंतरिक्ष संघ का शुभारंभ
India paves the way for better opportunities for every girl child
Read 8 tweets
Apr 28th 2021
கொரோனா கேரளாவில் கட்டுக்குள் இருந்தா அது கேரளா மாடல், கம்யூனிசத்தின் வெற்றி

கொரோனா மஹாராஷ்டிரா, கேரளா, டெல்லியில் மாநில அரசின் தோல்வியால் அதிகரித்தால் அது மோடியின் தோல்வி, மோடிக்கு ஆள தெரியல

#IndiaWithModi #IndiaFightsBack
தமிழ்நாடு, கேரளா ஒரு வருஷம் முன்னாடியே ஆக்சிஜன் சேமிப்பை அதிகப்படுத்தியது மாநில அரசின் வெற்றி

ஆனா மாநில அரச ஆக்சிஜன் சேமிப்பை அதிகரிக்க ஒரு வருஷம் முன்னாடியே சொல்லி அதுக்கு நிதியும் கொடுத்த மத்திய அரசு சரியா தயாராகல, மோடியின் நிர்வாகம் சரியில்ல
#IndiaWithModi #IndiaFightsBack
பிரதமர் - முதல்வர்கள் கூட்டத்தில் மோடி சொல்றத கவனிக்காம நக்கல் பண்ணி சைகைகள் காட்டிய அரவிந்த் கெஜ்ரிவால், உதவ் சிறந்த நிர்வாகிகள்

இரண்டாம் அலை வரும்னு அதே கூட்டத்தில் எச்சரிக்கை விடுத்த மோடிக்கு நிர்வாகம் பண்ண தெரியல

#IndiaWithModi #IndiaFightsBack
Read 9 tweets
Apr 27th 2021
Even as a grim second wave of the coronavirus pandemic grips India and overwhelms its healthcare infrastructure, an inspiring story of recovery has come to the fore from Uttar Pradesh. It’s about 82-year-old Vidya Devi from Alinagar, Gorakhpur. #COVID…
Vidya Devi won the battle against the fatal infection in just 12 days with the support of her family and their doctor's advice. Her elder son, Hari Mohan, said that her oxygen level had dipped to 79 one day. "Everyone in the family got worried." #Corona2ndWave #Covid19IndiaHelp
He said they then asked her to sleep in the "prone" position, adding that it helped improve her oxygen level to 94 in four days. "She is now fully healthy and her oxygen level is 97 these days." #proning #Corona2ndWave #IndiaFightsCorona #IndiaFightsBack
Read 5 tweets
Apr 27th 2021
I was talking to my friend from US.

He's very convinced that Kumbh, Election &Holi are reasons for sudden spike in COVID cases.

Toolkit gang, together with our anti-nationals are writing articles, SM, messages.. yes, doing everything to ensure that this narrative sticks.

Look at this health expert....He's doing everything to tarnish the image.

Failure of Delhi, failure of MH govt is all because of Modiji.

He quotes many local news articles, debates, horrible videos ...Yes poverty and suffering sells and sticks.


Leftist media amplified the narrative: Kumbh and Election.

They conveniently ignored that health is a state subject. They don't tell you the fact that few state govts failed to uphold their constitutional responsibility of public health management.

Read 10 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
Karnataka lockdown from tomorrow night for 15 days: CM @BSYBJP

If situation is not improved, will continue for one more week.

Vaccine is free for the age group of 18 to 45 years in govt hospitals: CM @BSYBJP

Thank you sir 🙏

● Morning 6 to 10 AM allowed to buy essentials.

● Except garments other companies in manufacturing, construction, agricultural services are allowed to function.

● No BMTC, KSRTC buses
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
As India faces a shortage of hospital beds amid a record surge in coronavirus infections, several infected people have had to seek treatment at home. Shortage of oxygen cylinders has given rise to increasing sale of oxygen concentrators. But what are they?…
An oxygen concentrator uses ambient air to concentrate oxygen. It can dispense 90-95% pure oxygen by compressing it from atmospheric air, which comprises 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. The air is filtered through a sieve, and then the nitrogen is released back into the air. #Oxygen
The oxygen is concentrated inside the device and a pressure valve helps regulate the supply, ranging from 1-10L/min. Experts say, 90-95% pure oxygen generated by oxygen concentrators is good enough for mild and moderate COVID-19 patients with oxygen saturation levels above 85%.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
This shouldn’t be construed as anti USA sentiment. It’s basic expectation.…
But while the victory of Biden Kamala was coloured as the new dawn got liberal progressive democratic renaissance, or it was termed as American arrival on international diplomacy. Case in point climate change, trade deals and most importantly QUAD
While that word seems whimsical and reeks hypocrisy that Americans are blatantly abandoning basic expectations of help via allowing raw material exports while their pharma MNCs drive in stringent negotiations with the developing world.
Read 5 tweets

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