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Apr 17th 2020
The Egyptian philosopher ʿAbd al-Rahman al-Badawi (1917-2002) is perhaps one of the most underrated thinkers of #ContemporaryArabThought - a major #Heideggerian_existentialist #Sufism and #IslamicPhilosophy specialist who studied at Fuad I (later #Cairo) University 1/
Many of us who study #IslamicThought know him for his editions of #ArabicAristotle #ArabicPlato #ArabicPlotinus as well as editions of the work of #Avicenna #IbnSabin #SiwanalHikma and others - without his efforts we would not have editions of the #PlotinianaArabica 2/
In the 1930s he studied in Cairo and obtained his PhD in 1944 supervised by #AlexandreKoyré (1892-1964) on the notion of 'existential time' that engages with #Heidegger - this like his other early works was published by #DaralNahdaalMisriya 3/
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Jan 18th 2020
Picked this up last year in Casablanca - Gadamerian reading of the divine form or image in #IbnArabi by محمد امعارش published @MominounWB and the notion of the barzakh/in-between 1/ Image
The divine image alongside divine discourse is the grounds for a hermeneutical understanding of the nexus of transcendence and immanence as the disclosures of the divine in the cosmos 2/
The ultimate expression of the divine image is of course the human - not least the ultimate barzakh of the #InsanKamil or #PerfectHuman - who is in-between divinity and creaturely nature 3/
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