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Good morning from Boon Wurrung Country. At 10:30am Coroner Simon McGregor will hand down the findings from the coronial inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. Shortly, there will be a smoking ceremony outside of the coroner’s court. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
If you are in Melbourne please come down to the court to show your support for Veronica’s family. If you can’t make it down, we will be live tweeting or alternatively you can watch the livestream here.…

This morning Veronica's loved ones gathered outside of the coroner's court. Veronica was a Gunditjmara, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wiradjuri & Yorta Yorta woman. She belonged to a large family, with 6 siblings & 10 children that she loved & cared for as her own #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Read 148 tweets
Tomorrow at 10am Coroner Simon McGregor will hand down the findings of the inquest into the death of Gunditjmara, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wiradjuri & Yorta Yorta woman Veronica Nelson. Veronica's family welcome in person community attendance. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
For those who can't attend in person tomorrow but wish to show their support for Veronica's family, you can listen to the livestream here:…

We will also be live tweeting the findings here. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
This afternoon, a smoking ceremony in honour of Veronica Nelson will be held at Kaielthban Park, 25 Archer Street, Mooroopna at 3:30pm. Veronica's mum, Aunty Donna Nelson, and the community are coming together before the Coroner’s findings tomorrow.

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It's the final day of the inquest into Veronica Nelson's death in custody. We'll hear from Dr Foti Blaher and Christine Fuller, Chief Medical and Nursing Officers of Correct Care Australasia.
If you can, come to the Coroners' Court to show your support. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Some details for those who haven't attended the Victorian Coroners' Court before — it's at 65 Kavanagh Street, Southbank. Masks are required to enter the Court, and there is a security screening process.
Public transport and parking details here:
If you can't make today's hearing in person, please listen in at this link. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson…
Read 189 tweets
Today is the 23rd day of the inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. In these last two days, we expect to hear from significant institutional witnesses from the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre and Correct Care Australasia.
We encourage anyone who can to show their support in person at the Coroners' Court from 10am today and tomorrow.
If you can't make it to the Coroners Court today, you can listen in at this link —… #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Read 185 tweets
Day 22 of the coronial inquest into Veronica Nelson's death in custody. This morning the court will continue to hear evidence from the justice administration experts in the continued "hot tub" process
Webex link:…
Justice Conclave: Dr Amanda Porter Melbourne Law School; Joanne Atkinson Koori Court; Elena Campbell CiJ; Lee-Anne Carter and Kin Leong VALS; Melinda Walker LiJ; Jessica Thomson VLA; Aunty Marjorie Thorpe and Uncle Ted Wilkes Elders for FLS; Adam Wilson FLS.
Members of Stakeholder Panel: Asst Commissioner Russell Barrett Victoria Police; Simon Hollingsworth CEO Mag Court; Lawerence Moser and Dan Nicholson Legal Aid; Melissa Westin Deputy Commissioner Dept of Justice.
Read 116 tweets
It's the 21st day of the inquest into Veronica Nelson's death in custody. After 10am today, we'll hear from a group of justice administration experts in a process called a 'hot tub'. The list of expert witnesses is in this thread. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
We have just been told that the Administration of Justice experts are still convening privately on the questions to be put to them. The hearing will start later today. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
The Justice Conclave will be sitting in a separate courtroom to lawyers, family and the public for this hearing, so we may not be able to identify speakers very clearly. Where we can't name them, we will share quotes and try to follow up after. #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Read 65 tweets
Day 20 of the coronial inquest resumed at 10am with swearing in of the people who are 'Administration of Justice Experts' who make up one section of the Justice Hot Tub (the other being the stakeholders). Who they are & what happens is explained below.
Like last week with the Medical Conclave, today the Justice Conclave privately discuss & deliberate a series of questions given to them last week by the Coroner.
Tomorrow and Wednesday they will give their answers, and counsel will be allowed to ask their own questions.
Justice Conclave: Dr Amanda Porter Melbourne Law School; Joanne Atkinson Koori Court; Elena Campbell CiJ; Lee-Anne Carter and Kin Leong VALS; Melinda Walker LiJ; Jessica Thomson VLA; Aunty Marjorie Thorpe and Uncle Ted Wilkes Elders for FLS; Adam Wilson FLS.
Read 6 tweets
Day 19 of the coronial inquest into Veronica Nelson's death in custody. Today the Court will hear continued evidence from the panel of medical experts. Remote link:…
There was consensus among the medical panel that Veronica's treatment in the days and hours before her death was inhumane.
Coverage of yesterday's evidence:…
"Gastroenterologist Sally Bell said the way the Gunditjmara, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta woman died, alone, was "without dignity" and "unnecessary"."
Read 93 tweets
Day 18 of the coronial inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. The medical panel of experts will begin their evidence. Head down to the Coroner's Court, listen in using the below link, or follow here for updates
Today is referred to as a ‘Medical Hot Tub’. It involves concurrent evidence from 2 panels.
1. A Med Expert Conclave, made up of a group of subject matter experts
2. A Med Stakeholder Panel w Senior Reps from Justice Health, Correct Care & The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
The presence of the Med Stakeholder Panel is to provide their opinions around current policy and procedures & to provide feedback on the practical recommendations, prevention and systems improvement opportunities put forward by the Med Expert Conclave

Read 99 tweets
Day 17 of the coronial inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. Today, Medical examiner Dr Yeliena Baber will give evidence. Court will resume at 11am. You can listen in online via the link, or follow here for updates #JusticeForVeronicaNelson…
Content warning: Today's evidence and the related tweets in this thread include details from the autopsy findings after Veronica's passing, and many of these are distressing.
Counsel Assisting commences questions, and Dr Baber, who did the autopsy report, goes through her descriptions of Veronica being "very malnourished”& explains that her findings in the report referred to loss of muscle and fat, says this would have been "progressive, not sudden."
Read 38 tweets
Day 16 of the Coronial Inquest into death in custody of Veronica Nelson. Today medical examiner Dr Barber was due to take the stand.
We have received notice from the court that today's hearing has been postponed until further notice. We will provide an update when we have one.
Update - Medical examiner Dr Yeliena Baber’s evidence will begin tomorrow, Wednesday 18th May, at 11am.
The Medical panel of experts will be providing their evidence on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th.

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Day 15 of the Coronial Inquest began today at 10.30am, with Yuin woman Aunty Vickie Roach (AV) giving evidence via video link. Today court will sit until just after lunch and Aunt will be the only one taking the stand.

Learn more about Aunty Vickie here:…
(1/5) Aunt begins by acknowledging country. She then speaks directly to Veronica’s family:
I'm sorry for your loss, sorry isn't enough. I want Veronica's death to not be in vain... the pressure this case will now bring upon the system to change.
(2/5) So the circumstances that allow avoidable tragedies, never happen to other people's families, just as it should never have happened to Veronica.
Read 70 tweets
Day 14 of the Coronial Inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson will resume at 10am. Today prison guard Tracey Brown will give evidence. If you are in Melbourne, please show up and support the family in person today or follow here for updates #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
If you can't attend in person today, you can join online via the below link:…

Counsel Assisting begins questioning the witness. We hear that Tracey Brown had been working as a prison guard at DPFC for 18 months when Veronica died in Custody. Brown was working the night shift in the Yarra Unit on the night that Veronica died.
Read 94 tweets
Day 13 of the Coronial inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. Today Registered Nurse Anthea George will give evidence. George was the last medical staff member to have contact with Veronica before she died on the morning of Jan 2 2020 #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Nurse George saw Veronica briefly when she handed her Panadol through the trap of the cell in the Yarra Unit at 1:30am on Jan 2. Prison guard Health has given evidence that at this point Veronica's hands were cramped into a claw and George did voice concerns for Veronica's health
We encourage you to come down to the Coroner's Court and support the family by sitting on the inquest today. You can also join online using the below link, or follow for updates here.…

Read 106 tweets
Day 12 of the Coronial inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. This morning, Leanne Reid, Supervisor of the Med Unit will continue her evidence. Karen Heath and Michelle Reeve, both prison guards at DPFC, are also scheduled to give evidence #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Follow this thread for updates. If you can, come down to the Coroner's Court to support the family, or listen in online via the below link.

Counsel Assisting continues questioning. There is a back and forth between CA and Reid about the lack of med clearance docs, which resulted in Veronica being transferred to the Yarra Unit

Reid gives evidence that a convo between corrections and medical staff must have occurred
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Today is Day 11 of the Coronial inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. This arvo, Justin Urch, a Corrections Officer from Dame Phyllis Frost Centre is giving evidence. Come down to the Coroner's Court to support the family or follow here #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
You can also join remotely using the below link:…
Justin Urch was working in the Yarra Unit at DPFC on the 1st of January. At the time, he was No.1 Officer in Command on Duty.

Rishi Nathwani, Counsel For Aunty Donna, Veronica's Mum is questioning the witness

Read 44 tweets
Today is day 9 of the coronial inquest into Veronica Nelson's death in custody. Today the inquest will hear from Bester Chisvo, Forensicare Psychiatric Nurse who assessed Veronica in DPFC prison & Mark Minett, Registered Nurse, Correct Care Australasia #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
You can log in to the inquest livestream via this link:…

Ms Chisvo enters the witness box. Counsel Assisting commences questions as to Ms Chisvo's work history, and Ms Chisvo pauses answering to say, “I want to send my sincere condolences to the Family, I should have done this before I sat down”
Read 126 tweets
Day 8 of the inquest into Veronica Nelson's death in custody. Dr Sean Runacres who undertook the prison intake medical assessment as DPFC and overruled the view of registered nurse Hills to send Veronica to go to hospital is giving evidence this morning #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Head down to the coroner's court today if you can. If you are unable to attend physically here is the link to view the inquest livestream:…

Counsel Assisting begins questioning of the witness. The witness is asked about his professional history and how long he worked at DPFC. We are told that the witness worked at DPFC for 2 years part-time and another 2 years in a locum capacity
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Day 7 of the inquest into Veronica Nelson's death in custody. Morning - Registered Nurse, Stephanie Hills, who testified about failures in the prison reception medical assessment is back on the stand. Afternoon - Dr Sean Runacres, who conducted the assessment will give evidence
The link to view the inquest livestream:…
Registered Nurse Stephanie Hill returns to the stand, and Stella Gold, Counsel for Aunty Donna Nelson, Veronica’s Mother, begins questions about Ms Hills’ earlier description of clinical signs of dehydration, where she had given the example of “eyes sunken and skin pulled in”
Read 76 tweets
Day 6 of the Coronial Inquest into the death in custody of Gunditjmara, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta woman, Veronica Nelson resumes today at 11am.
Link to hearing:…
Yesterday the Court heard emotional evidence from Registered Nurse Stephanie Hills, who spoke of massive failings in the prison doctor's health assessment of Veronica Nelson, during which Veronica was too unwell to sit in the chair and was unable to walk across the room.
Ms Hills yesterday told the inquest that when she raised her concerns about Veronica Nelson's health and condition and advocated for her to be sent to hospital, "he [the doctor] said, I'm the doctor, I will make the decisions"
Read 64 tweets
Court will shortly resume for Day 4 of the Coronial Inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. Please attend to support Veronica's Family, or live link:…
The Coroner notes that the Court is running behind on the witness schedule. Updated dates for key evidence to follow #JusticeForVeronicaNelson
Antos returns to the witness box to continue his evidence. Antos was the barrister Jill Prior briefed, who spoke with Veronica before she appeared self-represented at the Bail and Remand Court in Melbourne & who was present in the court when she made her application for bail
Read 70 tweets
Day 3 of the Coronial Inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson commences at 10am today. Please attend in support of Veronica's family if you can. If you can't attend in person you can watch the live link at…
This morning Jill Prior from the Law & Advocacy Centre for Women will be examined by other interested parties, including the barrister for Aunty Donna Nelson, Mr Rishi Nathwani
Counsel Assisting continues examining the witness

Prior describes the first time she met Veronica in Jan 2019: "When I first met Veronica at the Neighbourhood Justice Centre I was struck by how calm and considered she was. She was able to make an assessment of what she needed"
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Counsel Assisting (CA) raises matters relevant to Veronica's bail app

CA: In her bail app that we have the recording of the police provide reasons for opposing the bail and one of them is that they describe her as a recidivist shop stealer..

Prior challenges VicPol's narrative
Prior comments on matters in favour of Veronica's bail

Prior: “She doesn’t present w history of failures to appear, she would have had support and accommodation available to her in two locations…and then the nature of the offending was [low risk and non-violent]"
CA: In terms of the matters that you would have put before the court had you had been making an app on her behalf, what would they be?

Prior: She [Veronica] is an Aboriginal woman and every aspect of the application must be heard through that lens

Read 8 tweets
Day 2 of the Inquest examining the death in custody of Veronica Nelson will see two witnesses called, the first Senior Constable Rebecca Gauci who was the other arresting officer, and the second is Jill Prior of the Law and Advocacy Centre for Women.
Senior Constable Rebecca Gauci tells the court she has been a police officer since 2011, and is posted with a family violence unit. Her statement was made some 8mths after her arrest of Veronica with Sergeant Brendan Payne.
Gauci states that Veronica was walking comfortably, quietly, she was thin [33kgs], but that she had no particular observations or concerns. States that Veronica was compliant, there was a pat down search and then she was then handcuffed.
Read 29 tweets

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