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Jun 11th 2023
🎶🎵 Thread: Unveiling the Musical Gems of @munawar0018's Madari Album 🎵🎶

✨ Join me on a journey through the magical realms of music as we explore the soul-stirring tracks of #Madari, the phenomenal album by the incredible @munawar0018

#MunawarFaruqui || #MunawarMusic ImageImage
Song: "#Noor"
Prepare to be enchanted by the ethereal beauty of "Noor." @munawar0018's velvety voice blends seamlessly with the enchanting composition. Let this track illuminate your soul with its gentle melodies and heartfelt lyrics.

#MunawarFaruqui || #MunawarMusic…
Song: "#Madari"
Get ready to embark on a profound musical journey with the title track, "Madari." @munawar0018's versatile vocals will take you on a rollercoaster. Surrender to the magic of this masterpiece.

#MunawarFaruqui || #MunawarMusic…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 16th 2019
Bir yazılım geliştiricinin bilmesi gerekenlerle ilgili 15 maddelik flood geliyor.. Mümkün olduğunca fazla keywordü bir araya toplamaya çalıştım.
Hadi Başlıyoruz!

#Developer #Software #Java #code #kod #yazılım #development #computer #bilgisayar #tool #PC #IT #web #tech #data
1-Temel veri yapıları (linkedList, map, tree vb) ve temel algoritmalar (sıralama, arama vb)

Sıfırdan kodlama ihtiyacınız büyük ihtimalle hiç olmayacak. Ancak ihtiyaç anında doğru yerde doğrusunu seçebilmek için o veri yapısının veya algoritmanın nasıl çalıştığını bilmeniz şart
2- Network Temelleri

OSI Modelini ve 7 katmanı; temel protokolleri(#TCP-IP, TCP-UDP, #HTTP, #FTP), güvenlik protokollerini(#HTTPS, #SFTP, #SSL), monitoring protokolleri(#SNMP, ICMP) bilmekte fayda var. Ayrıca ağ ekipmanlarının görevlerini tanımak ve 7Layer yerlerini bilmek lazım
Read 16 tweets
Apr 15th 2018
I feel like driving up some controversy, so how about a thread of Hot Takes/Unpopular Opinions! You know the drill, one like = one take/opinion.

Start easy: the blunt awkwardness/cringe of 'Blurryface' is the point of taking the piss out of Tyler. I stand by my light 9/10.
2. I don't hate Nickelback's 'Dark Horse' - it's easily a record for them at their most tasteless, but the frat-bro swagger of it helps some of their better hooks.
3. 'Fireflies' by Owl City is a genuinely terrific song that captures precocious, starry-eyed wonderment better than few others in the 2000s.

It is SPECTACULARLY lame, but that's why it works.
Read 177 tweets

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