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Jun 4th 2023
#Kavach is an indigenously developed automatic train protection system in 2022.
Once implemented, Kavach will be the world's cheapest automatic train collision protection system, costing 50 lakh rupees per kilometre to operate compared to about two crore rupees worldwide.
One question for hyper mandbuddhi's who are asking our Railway Minister to resign for not implementing Kavach...

Indian Railways total route lenght comes around 68,000 kilometres which means Rs 3,40,00,00,00,000 needed to implement Kavach.

Can it be done overnight?
Look at the figures, it takes minutes to calculate how many zeroes are it so easy to implement?

Instead of hyperventilating,
Bloody idiots should be thankful for bringing technology like Kavach at an affordable cost.

Yes, an unfortunate incident has happened,
Read 4 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
Its People stooping in politics,
not KAVACH failing as Tech............. Thread 1/14

“I lost my father a week before and currently going through the feeling that any family member must be undergoing who lost their loved ones in the #BalasoreTrainAccident… Image
"It hurts when overnight few ‘Modi Haters’ turned ‘Tech Experts’ stoop low in greed of opportunism & crush sympathy by airing various narratives that primarily suit their politics but fail to recognise action we need to take to stop such painful accidents forever in India.” 2/14…
#Kavach is an indigenously developed Automatic Train Protection System for which trials started after 2014. Its deployed in ongoing projects of South Central Railway. Kavach prevents head-on collisions when they are on the same track in the same or opposite direction. 3/14 Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
Why I stand with #AshwiniVaishnaw & want only him to work as the Railway Minister even if he is kept shared in many other Ministries👇

He himself is an Engineer and a Management Professional

This is a super combination when it comes to conceptualizing a project & making a plan
of implementation of the same

He is an educated, successful technocrat with proven track record as he has served the industry before becoming a Minister in the Govt of India

He is fast revamping Indian Railways under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister #NarendraModi
He's able to act upon PM's visions and missions as he himself knows the science, the engineering, the technology and its application ALL

look at the record of Indian Railways in last #9YearsOfModiGovernment & see the statistics of railway accidents

in comparison to times of
Read 7 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
News two days ago from 1st June: Kerala: Alappuzha-Kannur Express was set on fire 100M from a Massive BPCL fuel storage tank…

#OdishaTrainTragedy #OdishaAccident #OdishaTrainDerailment
Read 4 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
#Balasore accident is a tragedy beyond words. Along with system & human failures, I hope the possibility of sabotage will also be probed carefully as safety of trains is of national importance. 1/6

#CoromandelExpress #Kavach Image
Trains are the lifeline of our country. Their role is critical in our development. Our enemy knows this.

Multiple attacks on Vande Bharat trains tell us there are people out there who want to see Indian Rail fail. And it gets much worse. Remember the many train accidents 2/6 Image
before 2017 UP elections including the big one at Kanpur? Those were terror attacks carried out by ISI moles based in Nepal / Dubai. Those were then arrested from Dubai / Nepal but with 2024 approaching, I hope those in charge of security are being extra vigilant. 3/6 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
Read 804 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
#PMaddress, live tweeting and translation:
India affected much as rest of world
Worst pandemic since 100 years
Modern world has not seen or experienced such a crisis
But India has fought back. testing, PPE, labs covid wards, new health infratructue created
Built so many oxygen plants
Never experienced such a demand for oxygen
Oxygen trians, air force planes, navy ships. raised production 10-fold.
have acquired equipment from all over the world.
imported medicines from all over
left no stone unturned
Lots of military references
Covid protocol has been our biggest weapon
vaccines are our greatest #kavach = armour
imagine what would have been the sit if India had not been such a big vaccine producer.
Read 18 tweets

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