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May 23rd 2023
1 🧵Outrage & confusion has the the constant & current state of anyone paying attention-outrage at politicians & policies which have failed so many of us. Despite being a researcher focused on #C19, I again have been shocked at more damning evidence...
2🧵For most people, late 2019 was the last months that held some semblance of normalcy. In December 2019, the first samples of C19 were collected in China, then called a cluster of "pneumonia's."…
3🧵The official #narrative that was forced on the public denied the possibility of a lab leak origin. They vehemently claimed the outbreak was most likely caused by a "spillover event." Today, multiple agencies claim the lab leak is valid.…
Read 17 tweets
May 1st 2023
@ArnoWellens @marjan948 Nu stap twee @ArnoWellens, wat was naast CV19 de nummer 1 comorbiditeit? Spoiler: influenza A 1/2 🧵…
@ArnoWellens @marjan948 4/10/22 - Zoals u kunt zien heeft Nederland geen CV19 probleem maar een influenza A probleem. Onze bewering controleren kan via de volgende link (land & datum zelf invullen). The more you know @ArnoWellens… Image
@ArnoWellens @marjan948 👉 19/9/19👈 Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health, was getekend Trump…
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