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1 🧵Outrage & confusion has the the constant & current state of anyone paying attention-outrage at politicians & policies which have failed so many of us. Despite being a researcher focused on #C19, I again have been shocked at more damning evidence...
2🧵For most people, late 2019 was the last months that held some semblance of normalcy. In December 2019, the first samples of C19 were collected in China, then called a cluster of "pneumonia's."…
3🧵The official #narrative that was forced on the public denied the possibility of a lab leak origin. They vehemently claimed the outbreak was most likely caused by a "spillover event." Today, multiple agencies claim the lab leak is valid.…
Read 17 tweets
We have to prevent onward transmission of sars2/sars3, and other airborne pathogens.
Precautionary principles must prevail.
Otherwise, we are infecting/reinfecting the population with a biohazard level-3, and allowing the resurgence of terrible diseases.
If society goes on crazy-happy sharing pathogens like it's a funny game, the 19th century will look a health paradise compared to what we are going to face.
Sars3 is an immune-depleting and systemic-damaging virus. And the threat of other terrible pathogens is looming large.
We are debilitating the herd opening the gates to all sorts of pathogens. Behind the smiles and the syndemic silence you can hear the tick-tock of a thermonuclear ticking time bomb.
Read 5 tweets
Os EUA🇺🇸 seguem reportando surtos de #H5N1 em aves selvagens e domésticas, algo compartilhado por outros países do mundo.

Infecções em mamíferos também tem sido reportadas, com destaque para o Peru🇵🇪, com a morte de mais de 3 mil leões marinhos.

E o risco pra humanos? 🧶👇
Bueno meu povo, infecções em humanos não são novidade, temos cerca de 880 casos reportados de #H5N1 em humanos desde 1997, mas o que não temos registrado até o momento é a TRANSMISSÃO HUMANO-HUMANO, e essa tem sido a preocupação…
Infecções em mamíferos também não são novidade, mas a forma como isso tem ocorrido causa uma certa preocupação.

Mas até o momento, o vírus que está circulando não parece ter a capacidade de infectar eficientemente o ser humano, tampouco se transmitir de humano pra humano
Read 11 tweets
Just out: Scientific report with overview of highly pathogenic avian #influenza from December 2022 to March 2023, by @efsa, @ECDC_EU, and EURL AI. A thread on the situation in poultry, wild birds, wild mammals, and humans in Europe and worldwide. (1/11)…
In #Europe, highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus #H5N1, clade, was reported in 403 #poultry farms and 119 other captive bird holdings birds in 24 countries between 3 December 2022 and 1 March 2023. (2/11)
In Europe, an unexpected number of highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus #H5N1 detections in #seabirds were observed between 3 December 2022 and 1 March 2023, mainly in gull species and particularly in black-headed #gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). (3/11)
Read 12 tweets
Atualizações sobre #H5N1: dados indicam que o vírus circulante em Camboja🇰🇭 apresenta algumas alterações no material genético que são encontradas tanto em cepas que infectam aves e/ou humanos.

Uma pandemia de H5N1 é inevitável? O que os dados significam? Vem de fio 🧶👇
Vamos contextualizar: especialistas olharam a sequência do vírus em amostras da menina que, infelizmente, faleceu após a infecção com o #H5N1 e sugeriram que "há algumas indicações de que esse vírus passou por um ser humano."…
A transmissão ave-humano é algo que já se observou em outros momentos, e pode ocorrer através do contato direto, contato com superfícies contaminadas ou contato com gotículas ou outras partículas contendo o vírus, que entram e mcontato com nossas mucosas, nossa porta de entrada.
Read 21 tweets
Let's talk about #H5N1 ! What is the risk for us humans and should we be worried?

Also at virology blog. 1/…
Recent news headlines have been highlighting the global spread of #H5N1, the strain of influenza virus that is typically associated with “bird flu.” 2/
This outbreak is the largest in recorded history, involving at least 50 million dead birds and countless non-human mammals, including sea lions, otters, mink, foxes, cats, dogs, and skunks. But what does this mean for us? 3/
Read 29 tweets
I would like to clarify recent statements in the press regarding the ##H5N1 virus detected recently in #Cambodia that were taken out of context. The confusion surrounds the implication that the virus has already gone “through” humans, and may be misinterpreted. (A thread - 1/)
For clarification, #H5N1 virus sequenced from the case in Cambodia shows certain changes that are anticipated and have been found in previous avian and/or human strains when they go from a bird to a human. (2/)
This does *NOT* indicate that the virus is mutating or adapting to become human-to-human transmissible, nor does it state that the virus has already transmitted between humans. (3/)
Read 7 tweets
1. @WHO has issued an update on the #H5N1 situation in Cambodia. It confirms what has come out over the past few days. 2 confirmed cases, an 11 yo girl who died & her father who remains asymptomatic. 11 other contacts tested negative. A couple of noteworthy points....
2. The #H5N1 virus was from a strain of H5 viruses that has been circulating in southeast Asia since 2014. This is a different strain from the one that has swept across the Americas in the past couple of years. Different strain could equal slightly different behavior.
3. The father remains asymptomatic. Given he and his daughter would have shared contact with infected birds, he could be a true case (and lucky). I do wonder whether he was truly infected or whether the swabbing just picked up virus in his nose.
Read 5 tweets
Here are the details on the Cambodian #H5N1 cases from @WHO:
An 11 year old girl fell sick February 16, died February 22
Her father is positive, but asymptomatic and in isolation
11 other close contacts tested negative

Virus belongs to clade…
“A joint animal-human health investigation is underway in the province of the index case to identify the source and mode of transmission. Additionally, a high-level government response is underway to contain any further spread of the virus.”
“Currently, there is no vaccine widely available to protect against avian influenza in humans. WHO recommends that all people involved in work with poultry or birds should have a seasonal influenza vaccination to reduce the potential risk of reassortment”
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Happy to announce that the full genome sequence of the Cambodian #H5N1 #avianflu case is now available on @GISAID. This has been an incredible effort by a number of people: (1/)
We were able to go from original sample to full genome sequence in <24 hours using iMS-PCR from @peter_thielen from @JHUAPL on @oxfordnanopore #ONT technology @nanopore #nanopore using capacity developed before and during the #COVID19 pandemic (2/)
This information is critical in our understanding of this case as Clade #avianinfluenza viruses have been endemic in Southeast Asia for ~10 years and human-human transmission ability has not been established. (3/)
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Cambodian CDC releases a statement about the recent human #H5N1 infection in #Cambodia

Virus belongs to Clade viruses (=endemic in Cambodia) and NOT that is causing infections around the globe in poultry, wild birds, and mammalian species.
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SCOOP -- and a bit of relief for your weekend: Cambodia says the 11 other contacts of the girl who died of #H5N1 human bird flu are all negative for the virus. So far, only her father is positive.
w/ @EmilyAnthes…
@EmilyAnthes What exactly is bird flu and what do we know about #H5N1 human? Here's your primer:…
@EmilyAnthes Any reports of #H5N1 infection in people warrant investigation to confirm that the virus has not yet adapted itself to human-to-human transmission. More details on the Cambodia outbreak:…
Read 5 tweets
Cambodia has informed @WHO of two confirmed cases of #avianinfluenza #H5N1, an 11 year old girl that died and another member of her family, @SCBriand just said in a @WHO press conference. Field investigations are going on, she said.
@WHO @SCBriand It's crucial, of course, to learn more about what exactly happened incl. whether there are other possible cases, how the cases were infected and whether there was any human-to-human transmission.
Read 10 tweets
I spent some time a week or two ago looking into reports about #H5N1. Since it's back in the news again i figured i would share some of what i learned. I am not an expert! This is just some things that people who seemed well educated on the subject have said. 🧵/20
At this point H5N1 is probably endemic in bird populations around the world. There were some previous waves that were contained by mass culling of domestic birds, but the genie is most likely out of the bottle for good this time.
The rise in egg prices over the last year is only _partly_ due to H5N1 (along with some inflation and some price-gouging.) But one way or another it seems likely to permanently impact egg farming going forward.
Read 20 tweets
Novidades sobre #H5N1: em Camboja 🇰🇭, mais 12 pessoas foram confirmadas com Influenza Aviária Altamente Patogênica A (HPAI A-H5N1) na província de Prey Veng. Uma morte (menina de 11 anos) também foi confirmada.

Temos risco de uma nova epidemia? 👇🧶

A informação de Camboja veio do site abaixo, com os dados compartilhados pela Secretária de Estado do Ministério da Saúde, segundo eles.…
Sobre o risco de uma possível epidemia de #H5N1, comento abaixo que não temos a confirmação de transmissão humano-humano da doença, mas cada vez que vemos mais pessoas se infectando a partir do contato com animais infectados, o risco cresce

Read 14 tweets
📍Worrisome—An 11-year-old girl in Cambodia 🇰🇭 has died of #H5N1, the strain of avian influenza which has spread around the world that has raised a lot of global concern. The girl developed a fever of 39C (102F), taken to a hospital, and died 6 days later.…
2) Cambodian Ministry of Health says the girl, who lived in Roleang village in Prey Veng province, fell ill last Thursday when she developed a cough and a fever of 39°C (102°F).
“After receiving treatment at the local level, the girl started to get tired and was sent to the……
3) 12 more suspected cases of #H5N1 after the confirmed H5N1 death of the 11 year old girl yesterday in Cambodia. Results pending. Hope this wasn’t human to human, but I’m now getting to be worried.…
Read 3 tweets
So who is the homicidal maniac in this story?

It’s “the economy”, a monster to whom anything & everything must be sacrificed without question or resistance: farmed animals, wild ones, even, unless we are fortunate, human beings in their millions"…
Human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus…
Read 10 tweets
1. How can we end the COVID-19 pandemic (again)?

A thread for a human without bat immune system.
2. One way to end the pandemic is to declare its end.

At its 27 January 2023 meeting, the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) Emergency Committee found that COVID-19 still constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).…
3. The COVID-19 PHEIC may fall in May 2023 if member states force WHO DG @DrTedros' hand.

Having successfully defunded WHO over many years, members states hold the upper hand over WHO.

(This thread begins to respond to @RealCheckMarker kind prompt here.)
Read 11 tweets
Yes, #H5N1 has infected humans in the past. But currently, there have not been cases of human to human transmission.

H5N1 is a circulating avian influenza A that has recently infected several mammal populations. It has previously infected over 800 humans in the past two decades.
These infections were avian to human. The previous human infections can be found here:…
You can learn more about #H5N1 & many other #SciComm topics on my channel 🙂

Read 3 tweets
Sars2 persistence doesn't seem to be entirely latent.
I'm noticing slow cognitive decline in people surrounding me, becoming more and more unaware and distracted by balloons. Sars2/sars3 is slowly and surely eating their brains.
Besides a lot of new ailments, or deterioration of previous ones, proneness to sickness, migraines, & organs damage, tinnitus, etc, there is more erratic behavior, less capacity of assessing risks, blithe unawareness of the surrounding hazards, and a fascination for balloons.
We can see people becoming ghosts of themselves, fading personalities, lack of character, loss of ethical principles, and a lot of worsening of skills. Their gait is even becoming more precarious.
Read 6 tweets
You all understand what this means (My guess if you’re reading this; and may know how to protect yourselves). BUT it’s a public policy problem.

We really need people who are NOT medical doctors or scientists to get involved.

Very roughly: cause-effect ImageImageImageImage
Understand also that higher-order nonlinear societal feedbacks are long since at work, explaining the schizophrenic (no dad joke there) character of our age.
Take good care everyone! The questions to ask should be clear by now.
Read 4 tweets
A medida que el cambio climático altera los ecosistemas, un nuevo brote de gripe aviar se propaga a los mamíferos

¿Estoy preocupado? Demonios, sí, estoy preocupado.

Esta es la razón por la que los virólogos están preocupados por la gripe aviar #H5N1 🧵…
Los virus de la gripe aviar están adaptados para unirse a las células receptoras de las aves. Los humanos y otros mamíferos tienen algunos receptores similares a los de las aves, pero generalmente están enterrados profundamente en los pulmones.
Debido a esta peculiaridad anatómica, se necesitaría una enorme carga de H5N1 para que un mamífero infectado extrajera suficiente virus para infectar a otro mamífero.
Read 11 tweets
Surtos de agentes infecciosos podem trazer grandes impactos para a sociedade, trazendo risco de espalhamento para mais regiões.

Temos em mente os coronavírus, mas há outros vírus que devemos ficar atentos também.

Eis uma breve lista de 10 vírus para ficar de olho 👇🧶
AVISO: a intenção desse post não é alarmar para qualquer coisa. É simplesmente um compilado de várias publicações (abaixo), que alertam para ficarmos de olho daqui pra frente

AVISO 2: eu cito família de vírus, mas também ex. específicos. Mas, segundo a própria @WHO , há um "incentivo nos esforços de pesquisa em classes inteiras de vírus (p.ex., flavivírus), em vez de apenas cepas individuais (p.ex., zika vírus)" para uma melhor resposta futura.
Read 28 tweets
Es hat ne Weile gedauert, aber wir sind endlich wieder da mit @pandemiapodcast!
Neues Logo, neue Musik, alte Crew und wie immer tolle Themen und Gäste:
Dieses Mal geht es um #longcovid, #Vogelgrippe #H5N1 und neue #Impfstoffe…
@pandemiapodcast Vielen Dank an @C_Scheibenbogen, @florian_krammer, @CorneliaBetsch, @PeacockFlu, Mitchell Warren und vor allem an @marga_owski, die uns einen Einblick in ihr Leben mit #longcovid gewährt hat...
@pandemiapodcast @C_Scheibenbogen @florian_krammer @CorneliaBetsch @PeacockFlu @marga_owski Wir kommen jetzt auch wieder regelmäßiger. Versprochen! Und wir wollen in Zukunft immer auch versuchen, einige Hörerfragen zu beantworten. Also schreibt uns gerne an oder einfach hier bei Twitter...
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