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Jun 4th 2023
The resulting thread, which features confessionals from devs who’ve worked on games ranging from Gotham #Knights to obscurities like a Friends trivia game for the #PlayStation5 , is filled with wholesome lessons devs from many different #GeminiFourth… The resulting thread, which features confessionals from devs who’ve worked on games ranging from Gotham Knights to obscurities like a Friends trivia game for the PlayStation 2, is filled with wholesome lessons devs from many different companies and… disciplines learned while working on games with which critics and players didn’t quite gel.

Speaking with Kotaku, Rochelle told Kotaku it was really cool to hear from so many people who appreciated the good aspects of Colonial
Read 7 tweets
Dec 25th 2018
Here is an actual clause of the #USConstitution:

“ religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

US Constitution, Article VI, Clause 3

Suppose that Article VI had a further Clause, Clause 4, that stated, “no racial identity shall ever be the basis for a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
Now, such a clause would prohibit the President from granting or withholding an office based on racial identity, and, in like vein, would prohibit the Senate from withholding consent to a nomination, or granting it, on the basis of racial identity.
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