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Oct 20th 2020
Today we join the world Evidence-Based Healthcare day #WorldEBHCDay reminding everyone that our resources, tools and support are always available, in order to keep improving access to #Evidence as much as we can. Check everything in this thread 👇🧵
#WorldEBHCDay Evidence 2.0: How do we innovate for better synthesis? Check this webinar with @radagabriel about the #Epistemonikos method 👇
#WorldEBHCDay #COVID19 #L·OVE: How to make the most of our platform & find all the evidence to fight this pandemic, also a webinar by @radagabriel
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Mar 28th 2020
First completed systematic review on antimalarials (#hydrochloroquine #chloroquine) for #Covid_19
It is a rigorous SR conducted rapidly, NOT a rapid review (less rigour)
Submitted today to journal but preliminary report here to avoid delay in decision-making (1/4🧵)
For others to replicate, we share search strategy and downloadable files
Published and ongoing studies continuously updated here:…
Let's advocate for #replication not #duplication (waste) in evidence synthesis.
Also, collaboration more than welcome (2/4🧵)
It includes first RCT with reported data.
It has negative findings. Portrays different picture than questionable study hitting the news days ago (Gautret et al)
Thanks to @ConfucioUST for translation (Chinese to English). We are exploring copyright issues before sharing
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