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Aug 29th 2019
[Thread] I analysed around 13,000 retweets of Boris Johnson's tweet that read "The referendum result must be respected. We will leave the EU on 31st October. #LeaveOct31". He tweeted this twice, once on 15th Aug and again on 27th. The following is what I found: #StopTheCoup
Firstly, the first time he retweeted it it got Retweeted around 11.8k times: The second time, it received around 8.3k (see pic). So 13,000 retweets is not bad considering the total of around 20,000 tweets. At first, I was interested in automated accounts retweeting it (bots)
However, what I found more interesting was the sheer number of #MAGA accounts retweeting the tweets. By #MAGA accounts, I mean those pro-Trump account that seem to be unusually consistent and 'on message'. Of the 12,177 individual accounts I analysed, 1025 were #MAGA accounts.
Read 32 tweets

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