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Aug 13th 2021
BOOMERS APPRECIATION THREAD 1/15: Hearing @AndrewGaze10's emotional post-game tribute to Boomers past and present made me consider that so many supporters also have a #BoomersStory of being inspired by this team and culture. Myself included... #GoBoomers #RGVO
2/15 Playing basketball as a kid for the South Adelaide Panthers, we'd stretch pre-game in 'Mike's Corner'. Named after the legendary Boomer Michael Ah Matt. I knew someone from my club had played for Australia. Could I do that one day too? #GoBoomers #RGVO
3/15 In high school (aspiring towards playing professional basketball) I was captivated by the Boomers of 1996 and 2000 particularly the leadership of @ShaneHeal and @AndrewGaze10. Not knowing at the time, I'd be lucky enough to work with them many years later. #GoBoomers #RGVO
Read 15 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
Documenting the #Olympics & #Paralympics Day 1 kicking off now withba welcome from @IanCooke13 from @britishlibrary #ResearchingTheGames
The @britishlibrary has a wide variety of resources related to #SportsHistory including the @UKWebArchive & @NetPreserve #WebArchive collections. Read more about our #WebArchiving sports collections here… #ResearchingTheGames
First speaker in the academic panel chaired by @hdichter is @drljharris presenting his research on Britain & the Olympic Games from 1908-1920 #ResearchingTheGames
Read 7 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
@JournoAndy, Editor of @Sport_Integrity, will be going through the main points of the McLaren Report into the @iwfnet this evening and tomorrow on @sport_integrity only. The full Report is available here:…
From the Executive Summary of the #McLarenReport: Dr. Ájan, former President of the
@IWF, used cash as a form of control. McLaren estimates that US$10.4m is unaccounted for…
From the Executive Summary of the #McLarenReport: 40 AAFs hidden in @iwfnet records, including Gold & Silver medalists…
Read 94 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
Throughout the #COVID19 lockdown people have been sharing feelgood stuff that they hope will give succour to their fellow citizens. My recommendation is the London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony, which is available in full online
There are plenty of reasons why the #London2012 opening ceremony is perfect for these stressful times.

- It has plenty of icons of Britishness, from Shakespeare to Brunel to Berners-Lee to Mr Bean...
- It celebrates the diversity of our country, making the powerful but simple point that those who help build our nation are British, no matter when they arrived

- It contains that big shout out to the NHS which is an important, ongoing message

Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
Desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm breaking out the London 2012 highlights. 😢
I might tweet this for a bit.
Christ. I forgot about the countdown and the Elbow music. Butterflies already.
Read 139 tweets

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