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Dec 23rd 2018
“Earthrise: A Video Reconstruction” is #NASA #astronomy picture of the day by @apod/@USRAedu… Apollo 8’s iconic photo “Earthrise” was taken 50 years ago; 4K HD animation shows astronauts’ view using NASA LRO data of lunar surface
“Earthrise in 4K” is a 50th anniversary commemoration of the 1968 #Earthrise image during Apollo 8, and description how the rendering was made with NASA LRO imagery/data taken since 2009, by @NASA/@NASAGoddard/@USRAedu #astronomy #Apollo50 #Apollo8 #Moon
#Apollo8 was historic for 1st time humans left Earth and orbited the Moon. Apollo was intended as Cold War competition with Soviets. Starting with #Earthrise photo and many other observations, we found we had much to learn about Earth there. #astronomy #space #history
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