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Nov 23rd 2020
brett hankinson, johnathan mattingly & myles cosgrove
murdered #BreonnaTaylor!
darren wilson murdered #MichaelBrown
vaughn, taladay, & santiago murdered #DanielPrude
justin henderson murdered #ShamikleJackson
joseph weekley murdered #AiyanaMoNayStanleyJones

michesl brehlo and Cleveland PD murdered #MalissaWilliams and #TimothyRussell via #137shots
shannon kepler committed First Degree Murder of #JeremeyLake not manslaughter . . . not even close
shaun lucas murdered #JonathanPrice shooting Price 4 times.

The names of the cops that murdered #ElijahMcClain while he was walking home are
nathan woodyard, jason rosenblatt, and randy roedema. They remain free.
#CarlosAdrianIngramLopez was murdered by samuel routledge, ryan starbuck and jonathan jackson

Read 4 tweets
Nov 20th 2020
brett hankinson, johnathan mattingly & myles cosgrove
murdered #BreonnaTaylor!
darren wilson murdered #MichaelBrown
vaughn, taladay, & santiago murdered #DanielPrude
justin henderson murdered #ShamikleJackson
joseph weekley murdered #AiyanaMoNayStanleyJones

The names of the cops that murdered #ElijahMcClain while he was walking home are
nathan woodyard, jason rosenblatt, and randy roedema. They remain free.
#CarlosAdrianIngramLopez was murdered by samuel routledge, ryan starbuck and jonathan jackson

michesl brehlo and Cleveland PD murdered #MalissaWilliams and #TimothyRussell via #137shots
shannon kepler committed First Degree Murder of #JeremeyLake not manslaughter . . . not even close
shaun lucas murdered #JonathanPrice shooting Price 4 times.

Read 4 tweets

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