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Sep 16th 2018
B737’nin lift off icin ortalama bir havada uygun hucum acisi ile ihtiyaci olan hava hizi 250km/saat.
bu video #Mangkhut tayfununu mu gosteriyor emin degilim ama oluyor yani boyle seyler..
abartmamak lazim. o kanat profilleri zaten 46 tonluk kalkis agirligindaki makinayi havalandirmak icin dizayn edilmis. (kaldiracak yer ariyorlar, iskilliler yani) besinci seviye herhangi bi tropik siklon, yerinde uslu uslu oturan bir B737’yi rahatlikla havalandirabilir.
video filmden alintiymis. sasirmadim. tiviterda #Mangkhut yazinca soyle garip videolar cikiyor hatta. tayfun bu senenin en kuvvetli siklonu bu bir gercek. yikiciligi arttikca da hakkindaki sosyal medya videolari @teyitorg analizine muhtac oluyor.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
Quelques précision sur l'impact de l'ouragan #Florence pour l'énergie aux Etats-Unis et dans le monde.
Pour répondre à une question qui m'a été posée : plusieurs centrales #nucléaires se trouvent sur le chemin de #Florence.
Les plus exposées sont les centrales de Brunswick, Robinson, VC Summer (la fameuse), Oconee, Catawba et McGuire.
A l'heure où l'on parle, ces centrales #nucléaires sont probablement toutes à l’arrêt. Le risque d'accident n'est pas nul mais il est très faible.
#Florence #FlorenceHurricane
Read 8 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
More relevant than a conversation between someone and his lawyer: #Mangkhut has gone super on JTWC's category of typhoons.
Super Typhoon #Mangkhut, which is expected to hit extreme north Luzon this weekend, is currently packing max winds of 250 kph and 305 kph gusts, based on JTWC's 1-minute readings.
JTWC expects Super Typhoon #Mangkhut to continue its explosive intensification in 36 hours, reaching max winds of 277 kph and 333 kph gusts before slightly weakening as it nears northern Luzon.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
(1) Atlantic Hurricane Season 2018 was slow to start but is in full swing now.

#Florence is expected to become a #hurricane today, & gain strength before landfall in ?NC ?VA

#Isaac, #Helene & two depressions also present.

Time to get ⛈️🌪️🌀
(2) At the start, #Florence looked like she would swing around past the Eastern USA, then she changed direction. 😦
(3) Both #Helene and #Isaac are expected to become hurricanes. 😒

Read 29 tweets

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